Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Glass Ceiling essays

The Glass Ceiling essays The Glass Ceiling How it has prevented Over the past decades, women have succeeded in conquering several rather daunting barriers in the workplace. But one of the most commonly asked questions about the glass ceiling is: why does it still exist? One of the most basic answers to this question is: because we havent seen it clearly for what it is. Describing it more accurately becomes, potentially, a very useful activity. Talking about the glass ceiling in terms of global, societal, or philosophical issues is no substitute for defining the problem in functional terms. The more we describe the glass ceiling in terms of discrimination, the clearer it will be to see how it has prevented employment to corporations. In 1979, women earned just 62.5 cents for every dollar earned by men. In the 1970s, women finally realized money is power and no one gives up power voluntarily. Also, more college-educated women joined the workforce. In fact, between 1975 and 1991, womens enrollment in higher education increased from 45.5% to 55%. But was this enrollment sufficient to satisfy womens needs and desire to someday be head manager of a corporation? Or to finally break the glass ceiling that was one day holding her back from showing her abilities to higher management? Unfortunately, the glass ceiling barriers still exists in todays workforce. If glass ceiling existed, corporations would allow employees to see through to the world above them. Because glass is clear, those existing under such a ceiling might not, at first, even notice that a barrier was in place that separated them from higher levels. Yet if they tried to pass through, they would quickly learn that the ceiling prevented any such r ise. This analogy has been offered by some people to describe glass ceiling as a term that describes the artificial plateau, beyond which women and other minorities are denied the...

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