Saturday, October 26, 2019

I Love My Gay Friends :: Friendship Essay

I Love My Gay Friends I've grown up around gays and lesbians, and some of my best friends are gay, so I support them. One day I was on my way downtown after school and saw a crowd. I figured it was another peace march since it was only a week after September 11th, but it wasn't. My friend and I were sitting on the wall in front of Jimmy Johns and talking when our friend, Mary, ran up to us. "You guys should come and help us out. They're protesting against gay people and saying God doesn't love us," she said. As we joined our friends across the road from the Christian protesters, I thought back to church and remembered my preacher saying that God loves everyone. A guy came over and told us the protesters were from out of state and were here because ours was one of the largest gay communities in the country. I thought, I wish we were the gayest community, all happy and stuff. My friend grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, saying, "We have to stand up to this. We should make our own signs." I agreed, and we headed to a shop we often visit. I made a sign that said, I'm not gay, but I love my gay friends. On our way through the crowd, we saw the pastor from the church. She said she wanted three people to go with her to talk with the protesters, and be kind to them. Great, I was chosen. I walked with my head held high, listening to their screams of hate. This wouldn't be easy, but maybe someone would listen. I approached a young guy holding two anti-gay signs. One said, AIDS cures fags, the other proclaimed, Fag sin is filthy. "Hey, would you mind explaining to me the purpose of all this hate?" I asked, thinking he would be really cute if he weren't holding those nasty signs. "This town needs help," he replied. "Do you really believe that God hates?" I asked. "Yes, He does," he said, and showed me a Bible verse that read, "God hates the work of iniquity." "Yes, but not the workers. He loves everyone," I countered. "No, you are mistaken. Go ask a preacher," he said, sounding angry.

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