Monday, October 14, 2019

Human Motivation Essay Example for Free

Human Motivation Essay A drug users are those individuals who have tried or continue to use alcohol or other drugs but who are not dependent or addicted. They also fall into different subgroups: a) those who have tried a substance but have discontinued use; b) those who use infrequently and primarily in response to social circumstances; and, c) those who use periodically but infrequently enough to avoid dependence or addictions (Lorion, Bussell Goldberg, 1991). This all started during the adolescent stage around 12-13 years old. First they used by smoking then use of alcohol then progress to something more like using of illicit drugs Initially, drug use is limited to weekends. Later, however, use may begin to take place during the week, but only in the evenings. Adolescents learn that the drug will provide the feeling they desire and that it will provide it every time. They learn to control the degree of this feeling by regulating the amount of drug they use. At this point they can either take the drug or leave it. Since drug use usually takes place with friends, this stage is sometimes referred to as social use (Milhorn, 1994) Drug abuse is using drugs because of its psychoactive effects without any supervision of a doctor or other medical professionals. There is an increase in frequency of drug use. They maintain their own supplies and may begin to use drugs when alone than with friends. Drug addiction is perhaps the worst of all because a drug addicts’ life is mainly focused on using and possessing drugs. They use drugs every day, more often is much better and there is an increase of dosage of drug intake to satisfy themselves and reach their â€Å"high level†. Users prefer to use drugs alone than with friends or company. Addiction is powerful motivation for some people. The craving for certain drugs can become overwhelming. Addicts may crave their drugs strongly that they are willing to give up everything including their families, jobs and relationship because these drugs that they take gives them incomparable pleasure. These drugs work on the drug addicts’ brain neurons and give intense pleasure. If an addict stop using them it will be very difficult because their brains were used to this drugs and the pleasure it brought to the users’ body thus motive to resume on using drugs again become strong and intense. Addictive drugs produces permanent changes in the brain reward system that causes craving even after withdrawal are over. Repeated use of drugs can cause neural sensitization, this last much longer than withdrawal. This may be one of the reason why recovered addicts are in danger of relapse into drug use even after they completed their rehabilitation and detoxification. The combination of these factors sheds light on why psychoactive drugs, more than many other incentives, are able to produce addictions. These drugs directly activate brain pleasure mechanism to unmatched levels, produced withdrawal syndromes that drive a recovering addict back to the drugs and perhaps permanently hyperactive the brain system that causes drug rewards to be desired. This combination is hard to resist. References Lorion R. , Bussell D. , and Goldberg R. ( 1991). Identification of youth at high risk for alcohol or other drug problems. National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse. In E. Goplerud (ed. ), Preventing Adolescent Drug Use: From Theory to Practice. OSAP, DHHS Pub. No. (ADM) 91-1725. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. Milhorn, Thomas (1994) Drug and Alcohol Abuse. MA: Perseus Publishing.

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