Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business reaserch method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business reaserch method - Essay Example The main reason for developing nations’ need for donor aid is that they lack the funds to satisfy their budgetary requirements. The international community steps in to improve the conditions of such countries (Picard, 2008, 43). The decision to donate funds and other materials is made after the involved parties hold considerable consultations. After such negotiations and consultations, the parties reach an agreement, many times defining the specific purpose for which the funds would be provided and the method for managing these funds (Dang & Knack, 2010, 33). With increased donor aid withdrawal, most affected developing countries have continued to feel the effects of their vices, with some having to divert funds meant for development into tackling their more pressing issues (Cornell, 2007, 24). This paper shall investigate the effects of such withdrawals on developing countries, aside from highlighting the need for donor aid for developing countries, which face many challenges in various sectors. People hold different views on the matter of donor aid for developing countries, depending on their places of domicile and their experience with the essential issues that donor aid attempts to address. Some individuals from Western countries regard donor aid as a waste of resources, since they do not see the effect that such donations, which have been in place for more than 100 years, have had on the economies of most developing countries (Independent, n.d.,n.p.). They see it as an avenue for the elite from poor countries to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, for whom such funds are sought. There are multiple forms of aid from developed to developing countries, depending on the issue of concern. Some of the forms in which donor aid is given include food assistance, humanitarian emergency assistance and military assistance among others (Easterly, 2008, 25). The main aim of donating to developing countries is to

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