Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Film Review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Film - Movie Review Example , Lee decides to take the law in his own hands in the film and his character is portrayed as one distrusting unfortunate black man who could not trust the white jury in the court. Lee is later arrested for the double murder but despite many efforts made by the local black leaders to convince Lee to take their help instead of relying on a white lawyer, he remains unmoved and sticks to his chosen lawyer in the hope that this would save him from the clutches of racial discrimination. With the help of making sensitive social issues like racial discrimination and capital punishment important features of the storyline and starring a very dedicated cast, the director of this movie successfully manages in making one of the most compelling motion pictures of all times and getting the right level of enthusiasm and attention from the viewers. Instead of wasting the time of the viewers with running some eye-popping action and bloodbath scenes on the screen, this movie basically aims at conveying some meaningful messages while taking care to stay away from focusing on an over and over again repeated sort of a plot. The interesting point is that the messages are not conveyed to the public like pastries served in plates, rather it is up to the public to smartly dig underneath the propaganda portrayed in the movie by intelligently relating with the well though out plot. In â€Å"The Time To Kill† the American Legal system is not portrayed positively in most instances. First, Lee himself is shown as distrusting the white judges in the court, thereby he ends up hiring a white lawyer for himself and rejects the help offered by the black community. Secondly, there is one scene in the movie in which Brigance, the white lawyer hired by Lee, explains to the judges the trauma done to Lee’s daughter by the rapists. During explaining the sadistic acts, Brigance asks the jury, â€Å"Now imagine she’s white.† (Ebert). This is a highly distrusting sort of a statement which clearly shows

Monday, October 28, 2019

The History of East Timor Essay Example for Free

The History of East Timor Essay Timor is an island on the eastern side of the Indonesian archipelago and to the northwest of Australia. West Timor was a part of Indonesia and East Timor was a Portuguese controlled colony. East Timor was taken under the control of the Portuguese in the 1600s. They were in control until 1975. During 1942 the Japanese invaded East Timor whilst fighting the Australian troops. Around 60,000 East Timorese were killed for protecting the Australian troops. The Japanese were in control of East Timor until 1945. In 1975 on the 28th of November, the Fretilin declared East Timor as independent. On the 5th of December that year the Indonesian forces invaded East Timor; claiming it as a province. The U. N. did not officially recognise the move by the Indonesians. The East Timorese tried to resist the Indonesian invasion, all attempts failed. While the invasion was happening 200,000 East Timorese died. The political climate in 1975 The fear of communism had spread throughout Asia at the Vietnam War. Many countries were afraid of it and the Indonesians accused the East Timorese of trying to become communist. The Indonesian military used this as a scare tactic for the rest of the world. They claimed that they were only trying to keep East Timor under control. But really they just didn’t want them to become independent. The Australian government knew of the invasion but did nothing to help the East Timorese people. The Hawke government didn’t want to risk Indonesia making us enemies. At the time, the Indonesian government had military, political and economic support from countries such as the UK, USA and Australia. It is to be believed that these countries did not aid the East Timorese from the invasion for various reasons, such as the Timor gap, trading and cheap labour interests. The impact of the invasion in 1975 and the future repercussions The invasion of the Indonesians left peoples homes destroyed, their family’s dead and their lives uprooted. Many refugees left East Timor in search of a peaceful new home. In August 1999, the 99% of the people of East Timor voted in a U. N referendum. Four days after the referendum the tally showed that 78% of the East Timorese voted for independence. A militia leader said it bluntly, Peace? Why would we want peace? If the vote is for independence well just kill—kill everybody. Within one week the Indonesian military-backed militia started a terror campaign. Women, children, but mostly men, boys, the educated, nuns, and priests were murdered. The Indonesian government was trying to make it so that East Timor didn’t have any educated people left. The capital, Dili, was set alight as people fled. Homes, churches and even the United Nations compound were attacked. Many refugees left for other Indonesian islands. The only safe places for the East Timorese were the four cantonments in the mountains that were held by the East Timorese armed resistance. At some points in time there were said to be 200,000 to 300,000 refugees with up to 600,000 people displaced. The role of significant individuals Jose Ramos-Horta: Jose Ramos-Horta was born and raised in East Timor. In 1969 he worked as a journalist and in 1974 he was exiled to Mozambique after his attempts to make East Timor independent anger the colonial administration. When Jose Ramos-Horta returned to East Timor he joined the Fretilin in 1974. In October 1975, Jose Ramos-Horta took the group of five journalists to the town Balibo so they can film the Indonesian attack. He left the town only hours before the five men were killed. On the 28th of November that year Jose Ramos-Horta was appointed as the Fretilin’s minister of communications and external affairs. Ramos-Horta had left just days before Indonesia invaded on the 7th of December. He was in New York representing East Timor to the UN Security Council. He successfully made a pass on the resolution demanding that Indonesia withdraw. But Indonesia ignored the UN. From 1977 until 1985 Jose Ramos-Horta became the representative of the Fretilin at the UN. Jose spoke to many different councils, committees and commissions about the human rights violations by the Indonesian military. He had a peace plan that would end all the violence in his country. During his time in exile, he was trained in human rights law in Australia. In February 1996 Jose was awarded the first UMPO prize, Unrepresented National and Peoples Organisation, for his â€Å"unswerving commitment to the rights of and freedoms of threatened people† later on it that year Jose Ramos-Horta and Bishop Carlos Belo were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2006 Jose Ramos-Horta take a place in the government as caretaker prime minister after many hiccups with the previous government. In 2007 he stepped down from his position while the East Timor’s first presidential election was taking place. Jose won the election with 70% of the vote. Jose Ramos-Horta was shot by rebel soldiers in 2008 and was flown to Australia. He returned to East Timor 2 months later. He continued on as president until the 20th of May 2012. If those in power, wherever we are, whichever country but also at whatever level in society that we are leaders, began working together—we would eliminate abject poverty and ensure that poverty becomes history in twenty years from now. It’s a moral duty of any of us as human beings. † The Balibo 5: In October 1975 five Australian journalists -Greg Shackleton, Tony Stewart, Brian Peters, Malcolm Rennie and Gary Cunningham- landed in East Timor. They travelled through East Timor filming the areas that they passed to show to the world. They were heading to a town called Balibo to film the Indonesian war ships of the coast of East Timor. Indonesian forces killed the five men in Balibo. We don’t know how they were killed but many believe they were burnt along with the footage they had taken on their journey so far. The journalists were reported as missing on the 16th of October. On The 12th of November Indonesian officials, whom handed their remains to the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, confirmed their deaths. These men were important because they were trying to show the world what was really happening in East Timor, not the lies that the Indonesian government were making up.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

I Love My Gay Friends :: Friendship Essay

I Love My Gay Friends I've grown up around gays and lesbians, and some of my best friends are gay, so I support them. One day I was on my way downtown after school and saw a crowd. I figured it was another peace march since it was only a week after September 11th, but it wasn't. My friend and I were sitting on the wall in front of Jimmy Johns and talking when our friend, Mary, ran up to us. "You guys should come and help us out. They're protesting against gay people and saying God doesn't love us," she said. As we joined our friends across the road from the Christian protesters, I thought back to church and remembered my preacher saying that God loves everyone. A guy came over and told us the protesters were from out of state and were here because ours was one of the largest gay communities in the country. I thought, I wish we were the gayest community, all happy and stuff. My friend grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, saying, "We have to stand up to this. We should make our own signs." I agreed, and we headed to a shop we often visit. I made a sign that said, I'm not gay, but I love my gay friends. On our way through the crowd, we saw the pastor from the church. She said she wanted three people to go with her to talk with the protesters, and be kind to them. Great, I was chosen. I walked with my head held high, listening to their screams of hate. This wouldn't be easy, but maybe someone would listen. I approached a young guy holding two anti-gay signs. One said, AIDS cures fags, the other proclaimed, Fag sin is filthy. "Hey, would you mind explaining to me the purpose of all this hate?" I asked, thinking he would be really cute if he weren't holding those nasty signs. "This town needs help," he replied. "Do you really believe that God hates?" I asked. "Yes, He does," he said, and showed me a Bible verse that read, "God hates the work of iniquity." "Yes, but not the workers. He loves everyone," I countered. "No, you are mistaken. Go ask a preacher," he said, sounding angry.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Empowering Women Rebuilding the Society

â€Å"To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is on the move, The family moves, the village moves, the nation moves†. – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.Empowerment is multifaceted & multidimensional concept. It is the process by which the powerless gain greater control over the circumstances of their lives. It includes control over resources (physical, human, intellectual, financial) and ideology (beliefs, values, and attitudes), decision making in home, community, society and nation and to gain power to empower herself. It means greater Self confidence and an inner transformation of one’s consciousness that enables one to overcome external barriers to accessing resources or changing traditional ideologies.And also it does not mean to give them power to dominate others or use power to establish their superiority over others. â€Å"Empowerment comes from ‘inside’, from the individuals themselves, it cannot be granted by othersâ⠂¬ . An educated woman knows her responsibility towards their family and society more than a man. In reality women empowerment meant to empower herself not to overpower men. Usually empowerment for women involves opening up more opportunities, greater access to and control over resources and equal participation with men in decision-making.Our society can be viewed as a wall and men & women are analogous to brick and concrete respectively. Women participation in our society has significantly increased since last decades. Their participation is crucial and desirable also to build a peaceful society. There are innumerable hurdles in the women empowerment process. Besides all these beautiful data, the status of women is still not that to which it is meant for. There are still a lot to do for their empowerment.The cases of child marriage, deteriorating maternity rate, anaemic pregnancies, eve teasing, molestation, harassment, rape, exploitation, trafficking, Domestic violence, human rig ht infringement, lax judiciary process to punish the perpetrators, trafficking, unawareness of basic rights etc. are some of alarming issues that a modern woman confronts, when goes out of the home and so many more are such an inventory of non-social impediments which are still prevailing in an alarming rate.Various steps have been taken by the government to prevent such abuses and to empower women. Criminal laws against sati, dowry, female infanticide and foeticide, ‘eve teasing’, rape, immoral trafficking and other offences relating to women have been enacted in addition to civil laws like the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939, the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and other Matrimonial enactments. The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act has been passed in 2005. A National Commission for Women (NCW) has been set up.Other measures by the government include provision of reservation in representation and education, allocation for the welfare of women in the five year plans, provision of subsidized loan facilities and so on. The year 2001 has been declared as the ‘women empowerment year’ by the Government of India and 24th January as the National Girl Child Day. Women participation in all levels of governance is essential for their empowerment and for making the society more humane.Women in India now participate in all activities such as politics, sports, education, media, art and culture, service sectors, science and technology, etc. Indira Gandhi who served as prime minister of India for an aggregate period of 15 years is the world’s longest serving women prime minister and the influence of women in politics is at its apex in the present context strongly supported by the incumbent president of India Pratibha Devi Singh Patil, incumbent Speaker of Lok-Sabha Mira Kumar, incumbent railway minister Mamta Banerji and leader of opposition Sushma Swaraj & Sonia Gandhi leader of the one political party.Besides these names of women holding major authorities in the politics, the other fields are also have women ascendants like Indira Nooyi CEO of PepsiCo, Chanda Koochar CEO of ICICI bank, Shikha Sharma of axis bank and so on. The constitution of India guarantees to all Indian women equality (Article 14), no discrimination by the state (Article 15(1)), equality of opportunity (Article 16) and equal pay for equal work (Article 39(d)).In addition it allows special provisions to be made by the state in favour of women and children (Article 15(3)), renounces practices derogatory to the dignity of women (Article 51(A)(e)) and also allows for the provisions to be made by the state for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief (Article 42). Man and woman being complimentary physically, emotionally and morally and there is no scope for comparison.One has no existence without the other. They are interdependent. Together their life is whole and meaningful. Each has their own duties, roles and responsib ilities. The 8th of March is Women’s Day. A day to celebrate women and all they have accomplished in their struggle for independence, equal rights and opportunities. It is also the day to show appreciation to all the women dear to you.The 108th Constitutional Amendment Bill, popularly known as the Women’s Reservation Bill which seeks to reserve one-third of seats for women in the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies has been a highlight in the recent times & it is highly appreciated in the direction of women empowerment. It was ‘passed’ in the Rajya Sabha on March 9th 2010 one day after international women's day. Though well intended, it can have little, if any, tangible consequences for the real empowerment of women since it does not touch upon the core issues which plague them.The solution must envisage a two-pronged attack, on the one hand, on tradition which is responsible for assigning a low status for women in the society and on the other h and, the outrages perpetrated against them. The proposed ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace’ Bill, 2010 is a good move in that direction. Mass campaigns need to be organized especially in the villages in favour of survival of the female child and provision of human rights for her, including education and health.It is essential to dispel the ghosts of the past and place women on an equal footing with men in order to pave the way for their empowerment, social, economic and educational. The Chinmaya Rural Training Centre (CRTC) was founded by, Swami Chinmayananda, a revered Hindu spiritual leader in one of the most depressed areas of Himachal Pradesh. Sustainable development he believed was only possible if local women, generally belonging to lower castes and tribes, were able to take charge of their own lives and development.Empowering women and thus rebuilding the society would take the nation on a path of greater development as Swami Vivekananda says , â€Å"Countries and Nations which do not respect women have never become great nor will ever be in future†.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sexual Appeals in Advertising and Their Effects on Consumers

Sex Appeal is one such method of differentiation that suppliers have found and proven to be successful. By targeting our basic animalistic behaviour, namely the drive for sexual reproduction, firms have found that through a cleverly designed message containing sex appeal, they can attract and hold on to consumers’ attention, thus making it more likely for consumers to choose that particular product over another. On the other hand however,sexual content may not be communicative and might even have a detrimental effect on brand information processing. Using sex appeal in advertising is a time-tested technique that will probably be with us forever. If you are marketing a product or service, you need to be aware of the power of sex appeal in advertising and understand the nuances of using sex to market your wares. What is sex appeal in advertising? Appeals utilizing overt sexual information are common in mainstream consumer advertising. Sex appeal is pervasive in advertising and is used with increasing frequency. As advertisersseek out ways to break through clutter and draw attention to their messages, the use of sexually oriented appeals have been used as a communication technique . Previous research for advertising has documented that sexually oriented appeals are widespread, commonplace, and increasing. Typically, sex appeals have varied along two major dimensions; nudity and sexual explicitness. The escalating usage of sexual stimuli in advertising indicates that companies will advertise in a way that most effectively moves the product. And sex does sell; one only has to browse through popular magazines to realize how powerful a tool sex is. Why Sex Sells: The most obvious reason sex appeal works in advertising is that it grabs attention. Both males and females are attracted to this type of advertising. It is a powerful instinctive attraction that will take our focus from anything else we may be doing. And advertisers know this. They play off of our curiosity. They know that it will be more likely to be recalled than most other forms of appeals because of the generated interest. Also, many advertisers have found that overly controversial images, even if they are taken off of the air, will stir up discussions about the ad and the product associated with it. Even if someone does not agree with what is put on an ad, they are still talking about it. By those discussions being had, the name of your product stays in the minds of consumers longer. What to Be Careful of When Using Sex Appeal in Marketing: Make sure that people are not so distracted by the sexual appeal of the ad that they do not remember what the ad was for in the first place. It does not do any good to create a sensual or sexual message when all they can remember is the image and not the brand name. So, make sure the sexual/sensual image being used is connected in some way to the product or service being promoted. This will create a link between the two and make the viewer much more likely to remember the product or service being advertised. Many advertisers appeal to males in this way- buy the product, get the girl. Especially beer advertisements- generally, a group of average looking guys will be in a bar and by purchasing or drinking a certain brand, they will attract interest from an attractive girl across the room. What is considered acceptable varies from one location to another. In a large metropolitan area with a diverse, less conservative population, you might be more likely to produce more risque advertising versus a rural and conservative or religious community. Tailor the message to the people you are targeting, which includes understanding their feelings and beliefs on public sexuality. If you are setting up a business in a smaller community, make sure to note what other businesses do to advertise. Sex appeal may not be an acceptable form of appeal at all. It is not as attention-grabbing as it once was. There is still an element of surprise, but do not think that people will react or respond quite how they did when it was first being used. As we have become more and more surrounded by sexual images in movies and television, we have become almost desensitized to it, and an ad with half-dressed models does not nearly shock us as much as it would have twenty years ago. So, instead of just having a group of sexy girls or guys in an ad, try to find more subtle and unexpected ways to use sexuality in your message. Dove did this by using â€Å"real people† in their marketing campaigns that started a few years ago. They used the different kinds of beauty, body shape, and age to promote their products. This unexpected campaign, which premiered during the Super Bowl, was extremely successful because it was something different that they were remembered for doing. Sex appeal can be used in many ways. In short, make sure that the way you are using it is appropriate for the product that you are selling and the people you are selling it to. Amy Bax is interested in providing innovative informational resources to entrepreneurs. She is currently an MBA student at the University of Missouri – Columbia. We're surrounded by advertisements that desperately compete for our attention. Everywhere we look, we find ourselves inevitably drawn to images of scantily clad attractive men and women that are supposed to somehow inspire us to purchase products they endorse. Sure, this attention-getting strategy is popular. Is sex appeal effective? Sex appeal can increase the effectiveness of an ad or commercial because it attracts the customer's attention. It's human nature to be curious about sex. A pair of long legs on a billboard is more likely to catch (and hold) a guy's attention than a puppy, regardless of how cute it may be. Even women are drawn to them, perhaps with the desire of having goddess-like legs. However, misuse of sex appeal can be costly. Many campaigns deemed offensive have started brand boycotts that affect sales and damage brand reputation. Abercrombie & Fitch has been involved in several scandals, the latest from their most recent catalog entitled â€Å"XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun. † On April 18, 2002, only a week after the catalog hit the stores, the Illinois State Senate passed a resolution condemning A&F's advertising tactics. This resolution, backed by several nonprofit organizations, suggests citizens and shareholders boycott Abercrombie's products and to take a stand against the company's marketing strategies. Although sexy images in catalogs are not at all uncommon, â€Å"XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun† featured naked boys and girls frolicking in natural settings. Not quite appropriate for an apparel catalog targeted at teenagers. Sex in advertising has stirred controversy for many years, an advertiser must be careful when incorporating it in a campaign. Great advertisers consider not only the attention-getting power of an advertisement or commercial, but also what kind of emotional response it provokes in customers. Studies show that the attractiveness of the endorsing model provokes positive responses. Nudity and graphic erotic content, while still increasing consumer's attention, doesn't really generate positive feelings among viewers. In other words, advertisers must be careful to avoid the â€Å"cheap shot,† which may negatively affect a brand's image. To avoid that, the sexual content in advertising must be appropriate to the product category and have a proper underlying message. One spot, called â€Å"The Premature Pour,† shows a beautiful seductive woman pouring Heineken into a glass. When a guy across the bar responds by pouring his own, he nervously pours too fast and spills foam all over the table and himself. The sexual content is implicit, yet direct. The sexual reference in this and other spots in the campaign worked, causing sales to rise 13% in the first two quarters of 2002. However, Steve Davis (VP of marketing in Heineken USA), claims that, â€Å"Provocative is a very good place to be, as long as we're not inflammatory. But the spots also work for a different reason. From the tag line to the plot, they are about a desire for Heineken. Our ads make the beer the hero. † Sex sells, yes, but only when used â€Å"in good taste. † As marketers we must think not only in getting customers' attention for the short term, but also in building a brand reputation that will yield long-term results. The positive roles of sex appeal in advertising: One might ask ‘why do advertisers promote sex appeal? ’ The answer in its purest form is thatit works well in most cases and according to Bumler (1999), most advertising executives usesex appeal as the most powerful weapon in their arsenal and therefore they use graphic images to get and hold on to audiences’ attention. From a marketing perspective, sexual appeal maybe advantageous for the simple reason that they prey on basic biological instincts and thus, an incredible motivational factor, which is a desirable attribute to break through clutter. Advertisements that attract attention have the increased likelihood to affect persuasion,especially in a saturated media environment typified by passive viewing exposure. Numerous research studies have revealed that sexual appeal, when used in advertising are attention grabbing, likeable, arousing, effect inducing, memorable, and somewhat more apt to increase interest in the topic advertised in comparison to non-sexual appeal. Sex appeal serves several crucial roles in advertising. Firstly,sexual material in advertising acts as an initial attention lure to the ad, which is referred to asthe stopping power of sex . Attention is a necessary condition for learning, attitudinal change and behavioral effects. A second function of sexual stimuli in advertising is to enhance message recall as sex is arousing, easy to relate, emotion inducing, and most of all, memorable. Finally, the third role of sexual content in advertising is to evoke emotional responses, such as feelings of arousal, excitement, or even lust, which in turn can create stimulation and desire for the product (Bumler 1999). This role may affect the consumer’s mood and can result in favourable cognitiveprocessing of the ad and increase the persuasion impact. Sex appeal in advertising is also effective ineliciting fantasy or expressing the imaginative fulfillment of motives, such as sexual gratification. Latour, Pitts, and Snook-Luther (1990) have provided insight into the emotional impact ofsexual appeals, specifically the level and nature of evoked arousal and attitudes toward theadvertisement and brand. They have found a direct relationship between the positive arousalevoked by sexual appeals and evaluations of the brand. Nonetheless, whether sexual appealelicits a positive or negative reaction depends on the appropriateness to the advertisedproduct. Richmond and Hartman (1982) ascertain that sexual stimuli will enhance brand recallonly if it has an appropriate relationship with the product category and the advertisingexecution. When sex appeal is used inappropriately, such as utilizing it solely as an attentiondevice, exploiting the female body, degrading the female role or insulting propriety, weakbrand recall may occur and may in fact produce a negative attitude towards the brand. This implies that the use of sex appeal in advertising must be appropriate to the type of products eing advertised and when sex appeal is used thoughtfully and appropriately, it may produceacceptable and satisfactory results. Negative effects of sex appeal in advertising: While studies have shown that overt sexual portrayals attract attention to an advertisement, other numerous advertising research have also suggested that inappropriate and excessive use of sexual content can actually have a number of negative effects. Consistently, studies have demonstrated that sexual appeals attract attention to the ad, typically without a corresponding advantage for brand information processing. Sexual content may be eye-catching and entertaining, but it may not be communicative and might distract the viewer from the message. When sexual stimulus is used in advertising, viewers’ perceptual and processing resources are directed toward the sexual information in the ad rather than toward the brand. The use of explicit sexual messages in advertisements may interfere with consumers’ processing of message arguments and brand information, which in turn may reduce message comprehension. Furthermore, initial devices such a sexual stimuli overwhelm the message, and are negatively correlated to both recall and persuasion. Finally, there has been evidence to suggest that overt sexual appeals may have detrimental effects on attitudes toward the ad and brand, and therefore may reduce purchase intention . These findings led MacInnis, Moorman, and Jaworski to advance the proposition that hedonic appeals, such as sexual stimuli, increase motivation to process the ad execution, but largely at the expense of the brand. All of these threaten to act as potential hazards of using sex appeals. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) provides a framework to understand the role of sexual appeals in persuasion (Shimp 2003). According to ELM, persuasion can occur along a continuum of elaboration. Persuasion resulting from extensive issue-relevant thinking isreferred to as central route processing, whereby receivers engage in vigilant examination ofmessage information. As receivers’ motivation, opportunity, and ability decrease, receiversare less likely to engage in systematic elaboration and are consequently more likely to rely onperipheral cues to guide their decision-making. Evidence suggests that this process occurs in response to sexual appeals in advertising (Severn, Belch & Belch 1990). It appears that numerous advertising utilizing sex appeal seems to get attention but do little for the advertised product. For instance, Judd and Alexander (1983) found that ads withdecorative female models increase memory for the image in the ad with no difference in actually reading the information of the ad. In particular, nudity and erotic content was found to increase attention to the ad, but not necessarily enhance recall or positive attitudes toward a brand. As a result, sexual appeals stimulate less argument elaboration and connecting thoughts than will non-sexual appeal. Additional evidence also suggests that, as the level of nudity and erotism increase, the intended communication effects either become negative or dissipate. Therefore, despite the persuasiveness of sexual appeals when used in advertisements, it is likely to be the result of peripheral processes and as a result may be transient. In addition to the aforesaid negative effects of advertising, bad uses of sex symbols in advertising may lead to unacceptable perception by audience. The widespread use of sex as an advertising technique has elicited significant consumer protest. On top of that, as clutter increases in advertising, consumers appear to be more able to physically avoid advertising and tune out . For this reason, every advertiser haspragmatic need to stand out. As marketers focus on developing messages that stand out, too many of them forget that their focus should not solely be on the executional devices, but on the core message. In order to investigate the abovementioned discrepancy with regards to the effects of sexual stimuli in advertising, we conducted a short survey on 20 subjects on their perception of ads that exploit sex appeal. The subjects, who consisted of eleven females and nine males, wereasked to browse through five different ads for 20 seconds. Two out of the five ads presented,employ sexual appeal as their core messages. The subjects were then required to answer a series of questions about the attractiveness of the ads and were then asked to recall the brand names. The survey questions, results, and advertisement stimuli are provided in Appendix 1. It was found that one of the ads utilizing sexual appeal (Ad 2) was rated as most appealing by the majority of subjects. Interestingly however, the other ad that displays explicit nudity (Ad) was rated as most unappealing and most subjects were unable to recall the brand name. We therefore concluded that sex appeal in advertising works well, but only if it is appropriate with the product context and within an appropriate level of explicitness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Glass Ceiling essays

The Glass Ceiling essays The Glass Ceiling How it has prevented Over the past decades, women have succeeded in conquering several rather daunting barriers in the workplace. But one of the most commonly asked questions about the glass ceiling is: why does it still exist? One of the most basic answers to this question is: because we havent seen it clearly for what it is. Describing it more accurately becomes, potentially, a very useful activity. Talking about the glass ceiling in terms of global, societal, or philosophical issues is no substitute for defining the problem in functional terms. The more we describe the glass ceiling in terms of discrimination, the clearer it will be to see how it has prevented employment to corporations. In 1979, women earned just 62.5 cents for every dollar earned by men. In the 1970s, women finally realized money is power and no one gives up power voluntarily. Also, more college-educated women joined the workforce. In fact, between 1975 and 1991, womens enrollment in higher education increased from 45.5% to 55%. But was this enrollment sufficient to satisfy womens needs and desire to someday be head manager of a corporation? Or to finally break the glass ceiling that was one day holding her back from showing her abilities to higher management? Unfortunately, the glass ceiling barriers still exists in todays workforce. If glass ceiling existed, corporations would allow employees to see through to the world above them. Because glass is clear, those existing under such a ceiling might not, at first, even notice that a barrier was in place that separated them from higher levels. Yet if they tried to pass through, they would quickly learn that the ceiling prevented any such r ise. This analogy has been offered by some people to describe glass ceiling as a term that describes the artificial plateau, beyond which women and other minorities are denied the...

Monday, October 21, 2019

proportional representation essays

proportional representation essays Americans continue to be disillusioned and apathetic toward politics. Cynicism about candidates and parties is common and voter turnout is low. There has been some talk for changing the election system in this country, campaign finance reform, and term limits are two of the ideas put forward. However, what some feel should we be doing is replace our present, winner-take-all election system with proportional representation (PR) elections. Leaders of most alternative parties, including the Libertarians, the Greens, and the New Party, are pushing for the change to PR. Even a Harvard Law professor, Lani Guinier* has concluded that proportional representation would be the best way to give minority voters fair representation. Proportional representation comes in many varieties, but they all share two basic characteristics. First, they use multi-member districts. Instead of electing one member of the legislature in each small district, PR uses much larger districts that elect several members at once, five or ten, for example. Second, which candidates win the seats in these multi-member districts is determined by the proportion of votes each party receives. Eliminating the problem of one winner of the district from misrepresenting the section of the population that did not vote for them. Those people would have their own representation. This system would then help ensure more balanced and fair representation to women and minorities. Under the current system there is no representation for these groups and their agenda if their candidates are not elected, as they are usually a minority and do not have the voting power. A 5 member PR district, which is populated 80% white and 20% black, if the population voted strictly along racial lines, the African American still elect one representative. Proportional representation would also eliminate the problem of gerrymandering, a problem of the single-member per district system. District ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Bering Land Bridge Between Russia and North America

The Bering Land Bridge Between Russia and North America The Bering Strait is a waterway that separates Russia from North America. It lies above the Bering Land Bridge (BLB), also called Beringia (sometimes misspelled Beringea), a submerged landmass that once connected the Siberian mainland with North America. While Beringias shape and size while above water is variously described in publications, most scholars would agree the land mass included the Seward Peninsula, as well as existing land areas of northeast Siberia and western Alaska, between the Verkhoyansk Range in Siberia and the Mackenzie River in Alaska. As a waterway, the Bering Strait connects the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean over the polar ice cap, and eventually the Atlantic Ocean. The climate of the Bering Land Bridge (BLB) when it was above sea level during the Pleistocene was long thought to have been primarily a herbaceous tundra or steppe-tundra. However, recent pollen studies have shown that during the Last Glacial Maximum (say, between 30,000-18,000 calendar years ago, abbreviated as cal BP), the environment was a mosaic of diverse but cold plant and animal habitats. Living on the Bering Land Bridge Whether Beringia was habitable or not at a given time is determined by the sea level and presence of surrounding ice: specifically, whenever the sea level drops about 50 meters (~164 feet) below its present position, the land surfaces. The dates when this happened in the past have been difficult to establish, in part because the BLB is currently mostly underwater and difficult to reach. Ice cores seem to indicate that most of the Bering Land Bridge was exposed during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (60,000 to 25,000 years ago), connecting Siberia and North America: and the land mass was above sea level but cut off from east and west land bridges during OIS 2 (25,000 to about 18,500 years BP). Beringian Standstill Hypothesis By and large, archaeologists believe that the Bering land bridge was the primary entryway for the original colonists into the Americas. About 30 years ago, scholars were convinced that people simply left Siberia, crossed the BLB and entered down through the mid-continental Canadian ice shield through a so-called ice-free corridor. However, recent investigations indicate the ice-free corridor was blocked between about 30,000 and 11,500 cal BP. Since the northwest Pacific coast was deglaciated at least as early as 14,500 years BP, many scholars today believe a Pacific coastal route was the primary route for much of the first American colonization. One theory gaining strength is the Beringian standstill hypothesis, or Beringian Incubation Model (BIM), the proponents of which argue that instead of moving directly from Siberia across the strait and down the Pacific coast, the migrants livedin fact were trappedon the BLB for several millennia during the Last Glacial Maximum. Their entry into North America would have been blocked by ice sheets, and their return to Siberia blocked by the glaciers in the Verkhoyansk mountain range. The earliest archaeological evidence of human settlement to the west of the Bering Land Bridge east of the Verkhoyansk Range in Siberia is the Yana RHS site, a very unusual 30,000-year-old site located above the arctic circle. The earliest sites on the east side of the BLB in the Americas are Preclovis in date, with confirmed dates usually no more than 16,000 years cal BP. Climate Change and the Bering Land Bridge Although there is a lingering debate, pollen studies suggest that the climate of the BLB between about 29,500 and 13,300 cal BP was an arid, cool climate, with grass-herb-willow tundra. There is also some evidence that near the end of the LGM (~21,000-18,000 cal BP), conditions in Beringia deteriorated sharply. At about 13,300 cal BP, when rising sea levels began to flood the bridge, the climate appears to have been wetter, with deeper winter snows and cooler summers. Sometime between 18,000 and 15,000 cal BP, the bottleneck to the east was broken, which allowed human entrance into the North American continent along the Pacific coast. The Bering Land Bridge was completely inundated by rising sea levels by 10,000 or 11,000 cal BP, and its current level was reached about 7,000 years ago. The Bering Strait and Climate Control A recent computer modeling of the ocean cycles and their effect on abrupt climate transitions called Dansgaard-Oeschger (D/O) cycles, and reported in Hu and colleagues 2012, describes one potential effect of the Bering Strait on global climate. This study suggests that the closing of the Bering Strait during the Pleistocene restricted cross-circulation between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and perhaps led to the numerous abrupt climatic changes experienced between 80,000 and 11,000 years ago. One of the major fears of coming global climate change is the effect of changes in the salinity and temperature of the North Atlantic current, resulting from glacial ice melt. Changes to the North Atlantic current have been identified as one trigger for significant cooling or warming events in the North Atlantic and surrounding regions, such as that seen during the Pleistocene. What the computer models seem to show is that an open Bering Strait allows ocean circulation between the Atlantic and Pacific, and continued admixing may suppress the effect of the North Atlantic freshwater anomaly. The researchers suggest that as long as the Bering Strait continues to stay open, the current water flow between our two major oceans will continue unhindered. This is likely to repress or limit any changes in the North Atlantic salinity or temperature, and thus lessen the likelihood of sudden collapse of the global climate. Researchers caution, however, that since researchers arent even guaranteeing that fluctuations in the North Atlantic current would create problems, further investigations examining glacial climate boundary conditions and models are needed to support these results. Climate Similarities between Greenland and Alaska In related studies, Praetorius and Mix (2014) looked at the oxygen isotopes of two species of fossil plankton, taken from  sediment cores  off the Alaskan coast, and compared them to similar studies in northern Greenland. Briefly, the balance of isotopes in a fossil being is direct evidence of the kind of plantsarid, temperate, wetland, etc.which were consumed by the animal during its life. What Praetorius and Mix discovered was that sometimes Greenland and the coast of Alaska experienced the same kind of climate: and sometimes they did not. The regions experienced the same general climate conditions from 15,500-11,000 years ago, just before the abrupt climate changes that resulted in our modern climate. That was the onset of the Holocene when temperatures rose sharply, and most of the glaciers melted back to the poles. That may have been a result of the connectivity of the two oceans, regulated by the opening of the Bering Strait; the elevation of ice in North America and/or the routing of freshwater into the North Atlantic or Southern ocean. After things settled down, the two  climates  diverged again and the climate has been relatively stable since then. However, they appear to be growing closer. Praetorius and Mix suggest that the simultaneity of climates may presage rapid climate change and that it would be prudent to monitor the changes. Sources This glossary entry is part of the  Guide to Populating America  and the  Dictionary of Archaeology. Bibliographic sources for this article are on  page two. Ager TA, and Phillips RL. 2008. Pollen evidence for late Pleistocene Bering land bridge environments from Norton Sound, northeastern Bering Sea, Alaska.  Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research  40(3):451–461. Bever MR. 2001. An Overview of Alaskan Late Pleistocene Archaeology: Historical Themes and Current Perspectives.  Journal of World Prehistory  15(2):125-191. Fagundes NJR, Kanitz R, Eckert R, Valls ACS, Bogo MR, Salzano FM, Smith DG, Silva WA, Zago MA, Ribeiro-dos-Santos AK et al. 2008. Mitochondrial Population Genomics Supports a Single Pre-Clovis Origin with a Coastal Route for the Peopling of the Americas.  The American Journal of Human Genetics  82(3):583-592. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2007.11.013 Hoffecker JF, and Elias SA. 2003. Environment and archeology in Beringia.  Evolutionary Anthropology  12(1):34-49. doi:10.1002/evan.10103 Hoffecker JF, Elias SA, and ORourke DH. 2014. Out of Beringia?  Science  343:979-980. doi:10.1126/science.1250768 Hu A, Meehl GA, Han W, Timmermann A, Otto-Bliesner B, Liu Z, Washington WM, Large W, Abe-Ouchi A, Kimoto M et al. 2012.  Role of the Bering Strait on the hysteresis of the ocean conveyor belt circulation and glacial climate stability.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  109(17):6417-6422. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1116014109 Praetorius SK, and Mix AC. 2014.  Synchronization of North Pacific and Greenland climates preceded abrupt deglacial warming.  Science  345(6195):444-448. Tamm E, Kivisild T, Reidla M, Metspalu M, Smith DG, Mulligan CJ, Bravi CM, Rickards O, Martinez-Labarga C, Khusnutdinova EK et al. 2007.  Beringian Standstill and Spread of Native American Founders.  PLoS ONE  2(9):e829. Volodko NV, Starikovskaya EB, Mazunin IO, Eltsov NP, Naidenko PV, Wallace DC, and Sukernik RI. 2008. Mitochondrial Genome Diversity in Arctic Siberians, with Particular Reference to the Evolutionary  History of Beringia and Pleistocenic Peopling of the Americas.  The American Journal of Human Genetics  82(5):1084-1100. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2008.03.019

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business reaserch method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business reaserch method - Essay Example The main reason for developing nations’ need for donor aid is that they lack the funds to satisfy their budgetary requirements. The international community steps in to improve the conditions of such countries (Picard, 2008, 43). The decision to donate funds and other materials is made after the involved parties hold considerable consultations. After such negotiations and consultations, the parties reach an agreement, many times defining the specific purpose for which the funds would be provided and the method for managing these funds (Dang & Knack, 2010, 33). With increased donor aid withdrawal, most affected developing countries have continued to feel the effects of their vices, with some having to divert funds meant for development into tackling their more pressing issues (Cornell, 2007, 24). This paper shall investigate the effects of such withdrawals on developing countries, aside from highlighting the need for donor aid for developing countries, which face many challenges in various sectors. People hold different views on the matter of donor aid for developing countries, depending on their places of domicile and their experience with the essential issues that donor aid attempts to address. Some individuals from Western countries regard donor aid as a waste of resources, since they do not see the effect that such donations, which have been in place for more than 100 years, have had on the economies of most developing countries (Independent, n.d.,n.p.). They see it as an avenue for the elite from poor countries to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, for whom such funds are sought. There are multiple forms of aid from developed to developing countries, depending on the issue of concern. Some of the forms in which donor aid is given include food assistance, humanitarian emergency assistance and military assistance among others (Easterly, 2008, 25). The main aim of donating to developing countries is to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Persuasive organic food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Persuasive organic food - Essay Example Organic foods are very safe for the health of the new born babies. At an average it has been recorded that when babies are born they have consumed ample amount of toxins due to consumption of inorganic food and as they grow older the level of toxins reach deadly limits. According to Cousens, in United States most of the babies are born with 200 toxins in their umbilical blood. If mothers consume organic food at the time of their pregnancy, several children may be delivered with better health conditions. Organic foods are even good for the health of the adults. Adults consume inorganic food that contains toxins and these toxins result in deadly diseases such as heart related issues and cancer issues. Organic foods contain ample levels of antioxidants which can decrease the risk that an adult may face of developing these deadly diseases. It is essential for individuals to replace inorganic dietary practices with organic ones in order to keep the environment safe from pesticides. Organic food should be considered by pregnant women as this can help in delivering healthier children. Organic food contains antioxidants which keep individuals safe from deadly diseases such as heart

Evidence based nursing coaching style management Article

Evidence based nursing coaching style management - Article Example This inadvertently has a number of employment policy implications. Replacing and recruiting people to make up for the older nurses who are near retirement age is infact a very significant problem for the health sector. Nursing itself is comprised of several smaller sub-divisons and there is much evidence to reveal that the ratio of the nursing work force is not equally divided within these sub groups. Careful analysis reveals that prison services, the armed forces, local authorities, occupational health nursing and emergency health services are some of the divisons that do not suffer from a shortfall with respect to the workforce number. Interestingly nursing homes for the elderly are increasingly being seen as having fewer and fewer trained nurse practitioners and in many cases even trained personnel. The reason for this anomalous distribution remains largely unclear and it is a problem the health sector is now grappling with. The UK nursing work force in particular provides a very complete picture in this respect. (Buchan 1999). It is a problem which infact has become the subject of much research and study over the last decade. Demographics reveal that the UK population in general is ageing, and the nursing workforce in the region is no exception. It is a growing population with a greater number of elderly people, which is ensured by advances in medical practice and technology which has resulted in increased life span of the population. Consequently a growing challenge for the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is providing adequate nursing facility for its population. The key element of effective nursing coaching in the present scenario is to develop appropriate workforce planning mechanisms that take into account the supply and demand for nursing staff. Quite evidently these should take into account the demographics (i.e the age and type) of the client population and the workforce, and aim to reach a balance of demand and supply as may be the requirement of the market. Infact it can be safely said that the continued prevalence of the shortage of nursing workforce over the past decade could be considered a result of some shortcoming the coaching style for nurses. Both as educators or as nurse practitioners we need to look at the plausible shortcoming of the present coaching style since it is obviously unable to adequately address this problem! Some of the major reasons for people taking up nursing as a career option are because of the opportunities to care for people, to gain some autonomy at the work place and also to be fairly rewarded both financially and emotionally (Irvine and Evans 1995). This has to be taken into account for future training strategies in nursing if the present shortage particularly in geriatric (old age) wards is to be addressed. Coaching styles have to focus on increasing motivation for and clearly elucidating the potential incentives of nursing in general and geriatric nursing in particular. Intervention strategies Nursing and midwifery have traditionally relied on a fairly narrow defined group of school leavers (predominantly female) for recruitment purposes. This population in general is less inclined to work with the elderly population to begin with. In addition geriatric nursing does

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Middle Eastern Terroists Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Middle Eastern Terroists - Assignment Example parison comes about with the comprehension that their respective intentions are inherently different and they would like to make sure that their aspirations and values are fulfilled more than anything else. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations have funding from proper measures which fuel the wave of terrorism in varied parts of the world. This is not the case with the domestic groups which need to find their funding regimes from scattered places and are often disbanded once their aims and objectives have been achieved3. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations keep on becoming stronger even though the crackdown has been coming all along, and more so after the 9/11 attacks on the United States of America4. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations are therefore playing their negative role in more ways than one and can sometimes be compared directly with aliens invading the face of this earth with completely opposite perspectives than the inmates of this world5. Hence the comparison is not up to a discussion because of their respective working methodologies, funding mechanisms and so on and so

FINAL EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

FINAL EXAM - Essay Example They are less important for managing or hedging against short-term exposures because demand uncertainty is always lower in the short term. In addition, operational hedging is likewise less crucial for commodity-based firms that face price rather than quantity uncertainty. Financial instruments are greatly used by forms to hedge against short-term exposures while operational hedges are used greatly to hedge against long term exposures. The foreign currency cash flows of firms that have plants both in foreign and domestic location are not independent of the exchange rate. And therefore, optimal financial hedging policy should entail forward contracts as well as foreign currency put and call options. Natural hedges helped MNCs to offset unexpected fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates especially operational hedges that are associated with geographical diversification. Operational hedging often compliments financial hedging. For instance, MNCs use financial derivatives to mitigate risks exposures while they are operationally hedged, geographically diversified. Financial instruments are used to reduce the basic component of profit variability while geographical diversifications (operational hedges) can reduce firm-specific risk exposures. The use of both financial derivatives and operational hedges improves firm value. Operational hedges are not perfect substitutes for financial risk management. In the case of CARREFOUR S.A., Carrefour used financial market instruments, Forward contract, to hedge against their foreign currency borrowings in order to maintain total debt requirements at 97% in Euros. MNCs often use both parallel loans and currency swaps to achieve a similar objective. For instance, they provide a cheaper form of debt because they easily borrow in their respective countries and then swapping the debt. Both parallel loans and currency swaps helps the MNCs in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Middle Eastern Terroists Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Middle Eastern Terroists - Assignment Example parison comes about with the comprehension that their respective intentions are inherently different and they would like to make sure that their aspirations and values are fulfilled more than anything else. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations have funding from proper measures which fuel the wave of terrorism in varied parts of the world. This is not the case with the domestic groups which need to find their funding regimes from scattered places and are often disbanded once their aims and objectives have been achieved3. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations keep on becoming stronger even though the crackdown has been coming all along, and more so after the 9/11 attacks on the United States of America4. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations are therefore playing their negative role in more ways than one and can sometimes be compared directly with aliens invading the face of this earth with completely opposite perspectives than the inmates of this world5. Hence the comparison is not up to a discussion because of their respective working methodologies, funding mechanisms and so on and so

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leadership Blog Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership Blog - Assignment Example Therefore, the managers need to identify the leadership approaches which can help in integration of activities of the employees and achievement of goals and objectives of the organization. The traditional theorists regarded leadership as an integrated approach which focused on team work. Later, it was regarded as a powerful relationship which had the ability to influence its followers (Evans, 2003). The modern leadership theories proposed that the master servant relationship should be replaced by superior subordinate relationship. The leadership theory occurred in groups which involved the employees working together in unification towards a share goal. As per Author Adair (1984 cited in Mullins and Linehan, 2005) leadership can be expressed as a relationship with other individuals. Leadership can occur in various groups or social context and they should have followers. Leadership theories are concerned with how to convince the employees to attain the goals and objectives in a systema tic method. Leadership can provide direction, guidance and activity for a collective group (Mullins and Linehan, 2005). ... The approaches of the managers need to align with the business goals and objectives. One of the main objectives of the organization is to increase the presence of the organization internationally and create a niche for itself in the market. The Cross - Vergence theory focuses on the economic ideology that believes in integration of cultural values with western influence (Theimann, April and Blass, 2002).The theory identifies the significance of the cultural values and its impact on an organization. Therefore, the theory recognizes the importance of national, sub culture, and the economic ideology influences. For example HSBC is pervasive in more than 88 countries worldwide and follows the Cross Vergence theory for guidance purposes. It is not possible to develop a universal theory of leadership which can be applicable to all organizations and in all situations hence a manager needs to identify the various approaches required at different levels and act accordingly. The difference in the cultural values of the countries may lead to the adoption of different approaches by the managers. It is not possible for every manager to adopt a leadership approach which aligns with the cultural values of the countries. The followership theory proposed by Brown & Thornborn (1998 cited in Evans, 2003) categorized the employees in four types; sheep people, yes people, alienated survivors and exemplary followers. Sheep people are extremely uncritical and passive but yes people are completely dependent on the leaders for opinions. Survivors keep adapting to changes and exemplary followers are able to think creatively and independently. Managers can devote certain portion of their time for in development of their emotional intelligence which can help in understanding the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Human Motivation Essay Example for Free

Human Motivation Essay A drug users are those individuals who have tried or continue to use alcohol or other drugs but who are not dependent or addicted. They also fall into different subgroups: a) those who have tried a substance but have discontinued use; b) those who use infrequently and primarily in response to social circumstances; and, c) those who use periodically but infrequently enough to avoid dependence or addictions (Lorion, Bussell Goldberg, 1991). This all started during the adolescent stage around 12-13 years old. First they used by smoking then use of alcohol then progress to something more like using of illicit drugs Initially, drug use is limited to weekends. Later, however, use may begin to take place during the week, but only in the evenings. Adolescents learn that the drug will provide the feeling they desire and that it will provide it every time. They learn to control the degree of this feeling by regulating the amount of drug they use. At this point they can either take the drug or leave it. Since drug use usually takes place with friends, this stage is sometimes referred to as social use (Milhorn, 1994) Drug abuse is using drugs because of its psychoactive effects without any supervision of a doctor or other medical professionals. There is an increase in frequency of drug use. They maintain their own supplies and may begin to use drugs when alone than with friends. Drug addiction is perhaps the worst of all because a drug addicts’ life is mainly focused on using and possessing drugs. They use drugs every day, more often is much better and there is an increase of dosage of drug intake to satisfy themselves and reach their â€Å"high level†. Users prefer to use drugs alone than with friends or company. Addiction is powerful motivation for some people. The craving for certain drugs can become overwhelming. Addicts may crave their drugs strongly that they are willing to give up everything including their families, jobs and relationship because these drugs that they take gives them incomparable pleasure. These drugs work on the drug addicts’ brain neurons and give intense pleasure. If an addict stop using them it will be very difficult because their brains were used to this drugs and the pleasure it brought to the users’ body thus motive to resume on using drugs again become strong and intense. Addictive drugs produces permanent changes in the brain reward system that causes craving even after withdrawal are over. Repeated use of drugs can cause neural sensitization, this last much longer than withdrawal. This may be one of the reason why recovered addicts are in danger of relapse into drug use even after they completed their rehabilitation and detoxification. The combination of these factors sheds light on why psychoactive drugs, more than many other incentives, are able to produce addictions. These drugs directly activate brain pleasure mechanism to unmatched levels, produced withdrawal syndromes that drive a recovering addict back to the drugs and perhaps permanently hyperactive the brain system that causes drug rewards to be desired. This combination is hard to resist. References Lorion R. , Bussell D. , and Goldberg R. ( 1991). Identification of youth at high risk for alcohol or other drug problems. National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse. In E. Goplerud (ed. ), Preventing Adolescent Drug Use: From Theory to Practice. OSAP, DHHS Pub. No. (ADM) 91-1725. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. Milhorn, Thomas (1994) Drug and Alcohol Abuse. MA: Perseus Publishing.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Compare and contrast the historical methods

Compare and contrast the historical methods Compare and contrast the historical methods, interests, and objectives of Herodotus and Thucydides. He said you might consider the sort of writing(narrative, description, authorial analysis, interest in accuracy, etc.) and the authors objectives in writing the history. Herodotus and Thucydides the original fathers of Greek Historiography are regarded as the first two historians. Writing hundreds of years after Homer, Herodotus compiled his History (1) based on oral accounts and myth. A genial storyteller, Herodotus did not regard his writing as epic poetry. The History, which explores centuries of dramatic interaction between the ancient Greeks and the Persian Empire, culminating with the Persian Wars in the early fifth century BC, is a vast compilation of the history, customs and beliefs of the Greeks and â€Å"barbarians†. Herodotus historical reliability depends on that of his predecessors, as his historical account is a composition that includes their notions of history, geography, natural history and anthropology, in a political and literary context. A generation after Herodotus, Thucydides, who strove for objectivity, wrote about political and military events that occurred during his lifetime, with a close account of the war between Athens and Sparta in late fifth century BC. Thucydides history of The Peloponnesian War (2) is the composition of an astute political and military historian. In a disciplined and methodical style, his work analyzes issues related to the wars, with little digression into other areas. Since fifth century BC, Western tradition of historical writing and inquiry developed beyond conventions established by Herodotus and Thucydides. In the twenty-five centuries that followed, many historians shared Thucydides preference for contemporary history and local politics, others drew upon both original archetypes, and some rejected both methodologies. While in the course of developing modern objectivity historians contributed new theoretical ideas, they also continued â€Å"historical inquiry in the spirit of especially Herodotus, that is, the art of asking perhaps naive (if not objective) questions about human behavior in time. (3) Similarities and differences between Herodotus and Thucydides histories have been the topic of much research and dissertation in classic scholarship analyzing their work on issues of historical truth and interpretation, historys relation to myth, the fascination with origins, the differences between chronicle and narrative history. In order to compare and contrast the historical methods, interests, and objectives of Herodotus and Thucydides we must examine the characteristics of their literary method, including the narrative, description, authorial analysis, interest in accuracy, etc., and their historical inquiry the authors objectives in writing the history. The context in which history is written is very important because the particular circumstances of time and place, which are reflected in the writers message become part of the message, received and interpreted by the reader. Thucydides, for example, was conspicuously and painfully the product of a political crisis and his work cannot be extricated from his own intense and ultimately tragic experiences. (4) Herodotus and Thucydides innovative methods of conveying the experience of historical events and their interpretation have emerged in the context of traditionally vibrant ancient Greek culture. A range of literary allusions to myth and folklore, to earlier epic, to lyric and epigram, the pervasive influence of Homer found in the work of Herodotus, â€Å"the broad lines of The History shaped like those of a Greek tragedy† (5), are explicitly relevant with regard to the historians connection with his cultural and literary milieu â€Å"for this History of mine has from the beginning sought out the supplementary to the main argument†. (6) Scholarly investigation of the Peloponnesian War has revealed plausible â€Å"intertextual† connections between the dense text of Thucydides and the epic of his predecessors. (7) One relevant example of such connection is said to occur in structuring some of Thucydides plot-patterns, like the similarities between Nikias letter and Agamemnons speech, in Homer or that between the Athenians expedition to Sicily and Homers Odysseus return to Ithaca. (8) Another â€Å"intertextual† connection has been noted in the similar choice of words and structuring of the accounts between Herodotus narrative of the Persian invasion of Greece and Thucydides narrative of the Sicilian expedition (9) One particular characteristic of Thucydides writing style is the pervasive interspersing of speeches within the body of his work. A very famous one is Pericles Funeral Oration, which became the model for many later speeches, and was very well known in antiquity. A major distinction between Herodotus and Thucydides writings consists in their different assessment of what history is. Herodotus concept of history, focusing on the diversity of the universal human experience, contains an expansive field of human inquiry that, later, became to be known as Cultural History. Thucydides, who presented history in context, focusing on political and military facts and events of his times, has been credited with writing the original â€Å"scientific† history. Herodotus and Thucydides employ different strategies in recounting the story of history. Herodotus narrates centuries of history within the mystery of cultures while Thucydides employs a reductionist and analytical strategy. Herodotus and Thucydides works, which differ in many ways, also share many characteristics like the magnitude of their prose, the elusiveness with respect to meanings, the contribution to the understanding of ancient societies, their subject matter dealing with causes and course of war, their fascination with â€Å"origins†, or their vision of civilization and barbarians. Although Herodotus eclectic manner of gathering information stands in contrast to Thucydides problem-oriented style, they both regard telling the truth as mandatory to historical method. When comparing Herodotus method with that of Thucydides we notice that Herodotus appears throughout The History as an uncommitted Homeric observer, famously taking the risk of reporting hearsay as evidence, and occasionally crediting the gods with causes and outcomes of historical events. By contrast, Thucydides historical method is based on precise, verifiable evidence and reflects a systematic understanding of the human and military politics. He devoted most of his adult life to the chronicles of the Peloponnesian War and sought all available evidence, in the form of written documents and eyewitness reports, to construct his account. As Herodotus says, in his introduction to The Histories: â€Å"I, Herodotus of Halicarnassus, am here setting forth my history, that time may not draw the color from what man has brought into being, nor those great and wonderful deeds, manifested by both Greeks and barbarians, fail of their report, and, together with all this, the reason why they fought one another.† (10) Thucydides, on the other hand, tells us: â€Å"Thucydides, an Athenian, wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, beginning at the moment that it broke out and believing that it would be a great war, and more worthy of relation than any that had preceded it. This belief was not without its grounds. The preparations of both the combatants were in every department in the last state of perfection; and he could see the rest of the Hellenic race taking sides in the quarrel; those who delayed those who delayed doing so at once having it in contemplation. Indeed this was the greatest movement yet known in history, not only of the Hellenes, but of a large part of the barbarian world I had almost said of mankind. For though the events of remote antiquity, and even those that more immediately precede the war , could not from lapse of time be clearly ascertained, yet the evidences which an inquiry carried as far back as was practicable leads me to trust , all point to the conclusion that there was no thing on a great scale , either in war or in other matters.†(11) The difference between Herodotus introduction and that of Thucydides is as remarkable as the difference in their method of historical inquiry. Herodotus method of inquiry consisted of relying on other peoples testimony, customs and laws to speculate about the sincerity and motives of the sources upon which he compiled the accounts of his History. For example, Herodotus challenges Homers assertion that the breaking of guest-friend taboo and the abduction of Helen were at the root of the Trojan conflict. But Herodotus does not completely reject Homers story.He only calls into question Homers story by invoking different versions of that story. But the speculations about the original story cast sufficient enough doubt to annihilate its merits, similarly to the way in which, throughout the Histories, seemingly small events cause colossal disasters. For example, Book 2: 112 through 2: 121 corroborate how Herodotus gathered evidence to support Homers story of the war at Troy which in text is referred to under the name of lium. Herodotus tells us, â€Å"I asked of the priests, they told me that what had happened to Helen, was this . . .† (12) â€Å"This is how Helen came to Proteus, according to what the priests say.And I think Homer knew the tale; but inasmuch as it was not so suitable for epic poetry as the other, he used the latter and consciously abandoned the one here told.† (13) Then Herodotus proceeds to explain his reasons for allowing the other evidence to prevail over that of Homers account: â€Å"This, is the story the Egyptian priests told. I myself concur in what they have said of gave me of Helen. My reasoning is as follows: if Helen had been in Ilium she would have been given back to the Greeks whether Alexander wanted it or not. For Priam was not so besotted , nor the rest of his kinsfolk, that they would be willing to risk their own bodies, children and city so that Alexander should be with Helen.If, indeed, that had been their sentiment at the first, surely later when many of the rest of the Trojans had perished in their encounters with the Greeks, and when, in Priams own case, two or three of his sons on every occasion of battle if we are to speak on the testimony of the epic poets when all these matters of such consequence happened, I am confident that, if it had been Priam himself who was living with Helen, he would have given her back to the Greeks, if thereby he could have been quit of the troubles that were upon him. It was not even as if the kingship wa s going to devolve upon Alexander, so that, Priam now being old, things were at Alexanders disposal; for it was Hector, older than Alexander and more of a man, who would have taken over the kingdom on Priam s death; and Hector it would certainly not have suited to comply with his erring brother and that, too, one who had caused great disasters to him personally and to all the rest of the Trojans. No, the Trojans did not have Helen to give back, and when they spoke the truth, the Greeks did not believe them; and the reason of this, if I may declare my opinion, was that the Divine was laying his plans that, as the Trojans perished in utter destruction, they might make this thing manifest to all the world: that for great wrongdoings great also are the punishments from the gods. That is what I think, and that is what I am saying here.† (14) Contrary to Herodotus, Thucydides offers rational explanations as evidence for his claims and for the causes of later events that could be reasonably expected on the basis of that evidence. For example, Thucydides attempts to justify the authoritative claim made in the introduction about the Peloponnesian war that had just started being more important than the wars before it a real turning point in history. Thucydides investigates the Trojan War and the Persian wars for evidence that supports his views.His method of inquiry consists in rigorous investigation attempting to provide rational accounts through an innovative use of empirical data, simulating the methods used by Greek sciences of the time in the investigation of natural phenomena. Thucydides rejects Herodotus invocations of supernatural explanation when accounting for historical conflict. Instead, Thucydides uses a scientific, inductive method of inquiry to construct his theory of history. He considers the actual events, examines the constraints and options available to the protagonists, and then searches for possible consequences of the events in order to speculate about the causes of the initial event. His notions are always open to revision, without necessarily rejecting his previous explanations, but rather expanding his explanation in order to include this new information. REFERENCES: Herodotus, The History, translated by David Green, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago London, 1987 Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, translated by Richard Crawley, Everymans Library, London Toronto, J.M.Dent Sons, Ltd, New York E.P.Dutton Co, 1926 Donald R. Kelley. Faces of History: Historical Inquiry from Herodotus to Herder. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998, p. 268 Donald R. Kelley. Faces of History: Historical Inquiry from Herodotus to Herder. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998, p. 6 Donald R. Kelley. Faces of History: Historical Inquiry from Herodotus to Herder. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998, p. 12 Herodotus, The History, translated by David Green, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago London, 1987, 4.30, p.290 S. Hornblower, Narratology and Narrative Techniques in Thucydides, in id. (ed.), Greek Historiography (Oxford, 1994), 131-66 Tim Rood Thucydides: Narrative and Explanation (Oxford, 1998), 194-5 Tim Rood, Thucydides Persian Wars, in C. S. Kraus (ed.), The Limits of Historiography: Genre and Narrative in Ancient Historical Texts (Leiden, 1999), 141-68 Herodotus, The History. translated by David Green, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago London, 1987 , Book 1: 1, p. 33 Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, translated by Richard Crawley, Everymans Library, London Toronto, J.M.Dent Sons, Ltd, New York E.P.Dutton Co, 1926, Book 1, pp. 1-2 Herodotus, The History. translated by David Green, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago London, 1987 , Book 2: 113, p. 117 Herodotus, The History. translated by David Green, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago London, 1987 , Book 2: 116, p.178 Herodotus, The History. translated by David Green, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago London, 1987, Book 2: 120, pp.180-181

Saturday, October 12, 2019

the works of dylan thomas :: essays research papers fc

Brown i. The Works of Dylan Thomas Thesis Statement: Dylan Thomas, renowned for the unique brilliance of his verbal imagery and for his celebration of natural beauty, applies his own unnecessarily complicated and obscure style of writing to his poetry, stories, and dramas. I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dylan’s obscure poems contained elements of surrealism and personal fantasy, which is what draws readers to them to reveal the universality of the experiences with which they are concerned. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  18 Poems 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Continuity between nature and the Stories of Christ and Adam† (Korg 42). 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Semantic properties of language are possessed by the natural world. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conflicts preceding the mystical resolution. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Personal statement as dramatic monologue. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complexity of death. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Twenty-five Poems 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dylan’s reaction to other people. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Immortal companionship of matter and spirit† (Korg 62). 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The duality of time as it is manifested in the alternation of the seasons† (Korg 67). 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Relationships with other people and with external scenes and events as episodes in the drama of spiritual life† (Korg 70). C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Later Poems 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"These later poems were usually written in response to some particular experience rather than to experience in general. Their points of departure are intimate and local rather than cosmic† (Korg 73). 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The lover is condemned to an essential betrayal. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ordinary events, humble folk, and local scenery, together with the compassion and tenderness these things evoke, occupy the foreground of these poems† (Korg 82). D.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Last Poems 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Poems in praise of God’s world by a man who doesn’t believe in God† (Korg 91). 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The renewal of earth after some mysterious universal catastrophe† (Korg 95). 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Essential images and impressions held loosely with a syntactic framework. Brown ii. E. Longer Poems 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Altarwise by owl-light sequence is an intricately ambiguous, punning fabric in which Thomas carries his linguistic and rhetorical virtuosity to extremes, producing a result both more complex and more obscure than any of the other works† (Korg 100) 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The views of the mystic in the real world. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The midwinter rebirth legends from primitive cultures, the return of the spring. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Christian myths with other religions: birth, sacrifice, light, and darkness. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dylan was as productive a writer of stories as he was of poems. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thomas’ stories fall under two categories: vigorous poetic fantasies, and poetic objective narrative. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The main characters are madmen, simpletons, fanatics, lechers, and poets in love: people enslaved by the dictates of feelings† (Korg 121). III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He only completed four scripts but worked on several others as a writer of films. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He wrote documentaries for the Ministry of Information during his wartime job. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Cinematic writing made few demands on Thomas’s real literary gifts, but it did show that he had an unexpected capacity for adapting himself to the new form, and for persevering with extended projects until they were complete† (Korg 137).

Friday, October 11, 2019


History Pharmacogenetics was first discovered in the 1950’s, however it was used to isolate how genes affected the metabolizing of drugs. When pharmacogenetics was first started, they did not have the aid of the technology we do today, so the doctors of the 1950’s discovered how genes affected drugs by testing how people of different ethnicities reacted to drugs, and they would record how one ethnicity would react to drug and what side effects they would get compared to another ethnicity, however this was first done because of curiosity or chance.Once enough data had been collected, it showed that these tests should be done for any other drug made in the drug development process, and has since then progressed through the years due to the progression of technology. Facts First pharmacogenetics trait discovered was the inability to taste the chemical phenylthiourea, and this was due to hereditary reasons. Negative drug reactions are believed to be the reason behind 100,00 0 deaths in U. S. hospitals every year. 2. 2 million more suffer from non fatal but still serious reactions to drugs each year.What is Pharmacogenetics? Pharmacogenetics is the study of how the genes of a person will affect how they react to drugs. This reaction can be positive or negative, the positive affect being the drug working, and the negative affect could be bad reactions or death. These reactions are caused by the way your genes react with the ingredients of the drug. By engaging in the study of pharmacogenetics, we have figured out why men and women react to drugs differently, and why people of different races react to drugs differently.Using this knowledge doctors have changed the ingredients and structure of the drugs so that they would have the desired affect. With advances in Pharmacogenetics, People would not have to go to the doctors over and over again because they had a negative affect to the drug, because after your doctor had examined your genes, he would be able to identify the perfect drug for you, which would less likely have severe effects. Ethical questions about PharmacogeneticsOne of the biggest problems with pharmacogenetics is that the person must be genetically screened first so that their doctor can analyze their genes and see which drug would be best for the patient. What is wrong with the genetic screening is that if the company the patient was working out found out the person was likely to die young or had a tendency to get sick, the company could end up firing the person to cut costs if the company offers health insurance to its workers.Health insurances Companies could also use the information they found out about this person to deny them coverage or raise the price of their coverage.Sources www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2752627/ http://www. actionbioscience. org/genomic/barash. html http://www. prozactruth. com/pharmagenetics. htm http://www. dartmouth. edu/~dmsheart/genetics/pharm/pharm. html http://www. ncbi. n lm. nih. gov/About/primer/pharm. html http://medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/Pharmacogenetics www. ornl. gov/hgmis/medicine/pharma. html www. nigms. nih. gov/pharmacogenetics/

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Company called Bookshop Essay

1. Introduction 1. 1 Background The company that I have chosen to do my project on is a small book distribution company called Bookshop. Bookshop is a small company based in South London and was set up in early 2002. They have a small workforce of 4 people. Each person therefore has a large and important role to the company. Each worker is always hard pushed to meet deadlines for schools and social centres demanding books. Because that are a small company they cannot afford to have large computer staff to look after al their accounts. They are limited to the time that they can spend on different tasks. Each day they deal with a round i 1000 worth of orders, but this might vary to as much as i 4500 or as little as i 500. The director of the company has put in a large lump sum as a loan to start off the company, which she hopes will trunk into profits, which she will later recoup. 1. 2 Statement of the problem I have conducted an interview with the director of the company and we encountered the following problems.   Because the bookshop is new, there are many things that could go wrong and caused bankruptcy. There is the fact that the company has no real image and cannot conduct rely on customers. Therefore they need to profit maximise. They need all staff working to their full potential. They need no wastes of time with things that can be done automatically.   Also with the small amount of money available to them they had o make do with old computers, which ran old computer programs that are DOS based. The problem that ABC Books as a company has is that it is limited to the workforce that it ca spend on different tasks. Therefore time is a major part of what is wrong. If there were a way that was quicker than the current way to do it then the time taken by each person would be greatly reduced and there may be a chance that each person would have more time to do other jobs. For example two people handle all the accounts.   If there were an easier way then they might only need 1 person and therefore there would be an extra person left over to do other work. Because of a shortage of time that they spend on the accounts, orders don’t get delivered and because it is a small business, it needs all the orders it can get and any a late order and schools will look to other suppliers. This was picked up on by Pat Horsefield (director) when a meeting was held to discuss the problems with the system. Mrs. Horsefield feels that:   with the introduction of a computer accounts system,   a system that can process customer orders faster and more accurately,   a reduction in the amount of paper generated by the system and feels that a â€Å"centralised† system could improve communication between staff, then the whole company will run more smoothly and then they would make more money and she would start going in to profit. As the company is new they have not got enough capital to go out and but fleets of vans and cars, they have to rely on people own cars and transport of that of a delivery company which all costs money. Because of this they need to save money on expensive large especially designed programs by large specialist company’s that produce such programs. 2. Investigation 2. 1 The current system The current system that the company use is a spreadsheet package that was created 17 years ago and is therefore quite basic and not easy use for all the staff that are used to more modern forms of spreadsheets. At the moment as each school places an order, it has to go through a processing system that takes a long time to fill out. Input Processing Output Forename Surname Position School Address Home Phone Mobile Books ordered Total Price Paid Payment method This is the route that the current data takes. 2. 2 Constraints of the Current system The format of the current accounting system is in DOS and therefore has no GUI that is useable to a user for formats like EXCEL. The software and hardware are old and need to be replaced. That main one is that it is not like the new accounts systems such as EXCEL and SAGE Line 100. There are many problems encountered when external people wish to view the accounts i. e. Auditors.   Another problem is that when outside people wish to review the accounts, they are totally unfamiliar with the system and are not able to use it correctly. This is mainly because of the layout and the basic look of the interface. There is one major problem with the actual system and that is that it does not automatically perform calculations. Therefore all calculations need to be done using a calculator. This is time consuming. If there were a way that the users could just put in numbers and the computer could automatically calculate the totals and the answers the user would have more time to do other things.   Due to the lack of complexity of the system, errors are often made. 3. Requirements of the new system 3. 1 General objectives The general objectives that I hope to be able to achieve are:   To create an up-to-date system that can be easily used by the staff and new staff   To be based on a modern GUI that all users will understand. To make it self explanatory so that new users will be able to pick up the methods quickly.   It will need o be able to hold the company’s accounts   There will be no need for passwords to any of the data, as no strict personal data is held on the computer 3. 2 Specific objectives – quantitative Customer accounts should be found in less then 20 seconds   The user should be able to locate a page by using in the click of a button.   All users should be able to use the system to do accounts.   Customer Details should be able to be printed off at the click of a button. There should be buttons to do all reasonable jobs (print/open/add) All pages should have links back to all the other pages, with the click of a macro and should be clearly labelled. 4. The current systems 4. 1 Hardware The hardware that is available to the users is a small LAN of 4 computers and a server. All the computers have a barcode scanner for scanning in book barcode numbers and ISBN’s. The computers that I have available for me to use are a set of 5 networked PC’s at my house of which one has a barcode scanner. At college there is a large number of networked PC’s for pupils use.    Intel Pentium 4 Processor Processor Speed: 2. 0 GHz All 5 of the PCs that I have available to me at my house are all the same. (see above) 4. 2 Software The software that the user has available is Microsoft Windows 95 professional edition with Office 95 and all relevant software for the barcode scanners and for the tele-book ordering. What I have available to use is Microsoft XP professional with Office 2000 which has excel, which I’m using to create the new spreadsheet program 4. 3 User’s IT skills and knowledge I feel that the users ICT knowledge and skills are limited to what they can do. They are inexperienced in computer use and therefore they have not developed, because of this there will need to be a basic and informative and self-explanatory interface. I think that the interface will need to be bold and relevant to the tasks. The user manual will have basic information in using the system as well as a trouble shooting section. 1. Consideration of a possible solution There are many different packages that I could use to create an accounts program there is Sage Line100, which is widely used in large company businesses. There is also Microsoft own Excel, which is widely used, in smaller businesses. I am going to use excel to create the program because it is the most commonly available and is therefore the best choice to use. I think that it is also the easiest to use out of the two because many people use the program already and have a basic knowledge of the program already and how it works. It is also a lot clearer to see than the basic graphics of Line100. there is also the case that Excel is cheaper to buy than a copy of Sage Line100. at i 250, Line100 is rather too expensive for a small company. I feel that with the cheaper, only i 89. 99 Excel they will have a better deal on their hands.   

How to Plan a Great Family Vacation

Process Outline Planning a Great Family Vacation I. Introduction A. Lead In B. Thesis II. Reserving a room A. Choosing your location B. Pay the deposit for the room III. Purchase Supplies A. Purchase Clothing and accessories B. Purchase groceries IV. Packing for the trip A. Make check list while packing B. Check things off as they are packed up. V. Conclusion A. Restatement B. Ending Process Essay Planning a Great Family Vacation After working all year long, sometimes sixty plus hours a week, the mind and body can become very worn down. You have to have a break or your work performance could suffer.The last part of winter or the first part of spring, is when you start thinking, â€Å"Wow, I really need a vacation! † You can usually tell when that time is coming. That is when you think about beginning the process of planning your yearly family vacation. The process of planning for a family vacation will ensure a worry-free, pleasant vacation, from choosing and reserving a room, to purchasing all supplies you will need, to finally packing up and heading out to your week long vacation. The first step is to choose and reserve your room. You can choose the room based on several things, cost being one of the most important.You will also need to choose a room based on what activities you plan to do and what the hotel is near. You can usually pay your deposit in February for your July vacation. This guarantees that you will have a place to stay while you are on vacation. It also means less you will have to pay when you arrive for the week of your vacation. The deposit is usually the cost of the room for two nights plus a cleaning or security deposit. The next step is to purchase all the supplies you will need for the trip. You will most likely need new clothing that will be weather appropriate and any accessories you will need.For the lake, it is a good idea to make sure that you have clothing for warm weather, such as bathing suits, shorts, cover ups, and flip- flops. Also make sure to have enough clothing to last you the length of your stay, unless you will have access to a washer and dryer. To save money on dining out, purchase groceries to last you for the week. You can buy things to make sandwiches so that you do not have to spend a lot of your vacation in the kitchen. Also, purchase things for several â€Å"home-cooked† meals so that you will not be tempted to eat out often. The final step will be packing for your trip.Make a list of things that you will need while on vacation. Be sure to pack all clothing and toiletries that you will need for a week. Also be sure to pack any medications that you will need for the length of your stay. As you pack, take the time to mark things off your list. Did you remember all of the kids’ swimsuits, floats, water toys and sunblock? Did you pack snacks for the ride to your destination and games for the kids to play while riding to keep them from getting bored? Planning in advance and th oroughly for your vacation is the best way to enjoy your vacation when the time to go finally arrives.As long as you have planned correctly by reserving your room, purchasing your supplies, and packing properly, you will have a fabulous and worry free vacation. You and the whole family will be able to enjoy your time away, and you will make many memories to enjoy because you took all the stress and worry out of your vacation by properly planning the trip. Later on, you will be able to reminisce about all the great times you had with your family while knowing that you did all you could to guarantee that your family had the best vacation possible†¦

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf by Roald Dahl Essay

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf by Roald Dahl - Essay Example Roald Dahl takes this story and narrates it in his own way. According to Dahl, the wolf after feeling hungry, reached grandma’s door and after knocking, ate her up. However, he was still hungry due to which, he waited took the clothes of grandma and posed to be her. But in this story, Dahl not only saves the little girl but also kills the wolf with the hands of the little girl. Lastly, the girl is shown wearing a furry coat of the wolf’s skin, leaving her red hood and cloak (Orrell & Jones, 2004). The most significant change that the writer makes to the traditional tale is modernizing the tale by giving the little girl a pistol and showing her interest in the wolf’s skin for her coat. There are many other changes such as there is no introduction as to the mother of Little Red Riding Hood, she was out of grandma’s house for a walk in the forest. At reaching the juncture where the girl asks the wolf about his big teeth, she omits this question on which, the wolf gets upset and tells her that he would eat her even then. This upsetting of the wolf and then the girl’s whipping a pistol from her knickers and finally shooting the wolf with a â€Å"bang bang bang†, everything is quite humorous and adds color to the story. In the traditional tale, the wolf not only kills the grandma but also the little girl giving a moralistic ending while in the modern tale, there is comedy and indication of the intelligence that human beings keep. The message that is hidden in the newly developed Little Red Riding Hood is that human beings whether they are young or old can make use of even the wildest creatures for their own benefit. In addition, this message can also be taken from the story that nowadays, the little children are not as innocent as the Red Riding Hood of the old times was. Today’s children are much sharp and smart and know how to defend themselves. However, the grandma’s gets eaten by the wolf because of her negl igible resistance power and her age. The little girl is no more coward, she is intimidating for those who are troublesome for her. In Dahl’s story, wolf was himself aware of the grandma’s house and did not ask it while in the traditional tale, the address was asked technically from the little innocent child who gave the address explicitly. The wolf also prepared to be grandma by combing and curling his hair, putting on grandma’s shoes and his clothing along with hat while in the traditional tale, the wolf just got into the grandma’s bedding. The little Red Riding Hood of the traditional tale is unable to identify the wolf in her grandma’s bed due to which, she becomes the wolf’s eatable while in the modern tale, the little child after asking only two questions, identifies the wolf from his furry and hairy skin and also finds some interest in him as her future coat. After recognizing his proposition, she at once, draws her pistol to shoot the wild animal at his head. The girl is also shown skilled at using the pistol as she not only fires it but fires it perfectly in the head of the wolf. Her fire does not go useless as she successfully kills the wolf. Even the girl changes her outfit by showing that the old outfit was silly and new one is furry and lovely. After noticing a lot many changes in the newly written story by Roald Dahl, it is quite clear that the little Red Ridi