Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research on which is Better

There has always been a discussion as to which method of study was better: quantitative, or qualitative. The quantitative approach focuses more on quantifying data and generalizing results from a sample to a population of interest. The use of quantitative methods is used for general features of a population and to measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample. Qualitative methods are used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons and motivations. This type of method provides an insight into the setting of a problem. This can be used to generate ideas for later quantitative research. It is being argued that quantitative criminology is no longer required and this method is dead. To understand why people commit crimes, the best way to conclude this would be to switch to a more qualitative approach. Although this may be true in some cases, I do not completely agree with these two statements. I disagree with the statement about the quantitative approach being â€Å"dead,† however, I do agree with the statement about switching to a more qualitative approach to fully understand why people commit crimes. However, incorporating the quantitative approach and qualitative approach into one study will result in a thorough conclusion. This paper will explain the quantitative and qualitative approaches in research, discussing the positive and negative aspects of each approach, along with including how a combination of these approaches in a study will result in theShow MoreRelatedThe Learning Goals For A Professional Nurse987 Words   |  4 Pagescombination of personal fears and topics which are needed to improve my standing as a professional nurse. The first learning goal of this course is understanding the research process. This will be covered in module four of the course. 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