Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Eliot free essay sample

# 8217 ; s Positions Of Sexuality As Revealed In The Behavior Of Pru Essay, Research Paper Eliot # 8217 ; s Positions of Sexuality as revealed in the behaviour of Prufrock and Sweeney. # 8220 ; The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock # 8221 ; tells the narrative of a individual character, a cautious, middle-aged adult male. Prufrock is speaking or believing to himself. The epigraph, a dramatic address taken from Dante # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; Inferno, # 8221 ; provides a key to Prufrock # 8217 ; s nature. Like Dante # 8217 ; s character Prufrock is in # 8220 ; snake pit, # 8221 ; in this instance a snake pit of his ain feelings. He is both the # 8220 ; you and I # 8221 ; of line one, pacing the metropolis # 8217 ; s begrimed streets on his alone walk. He observes the dazed eventide settling down on him. Turning more and more hesitating he postpones the minute of his determination by stating himself # 8220 ; And so there will be time. # 8221 ; Prufrock is cognizant of his humdrum modus operandis and is frustrated, # 8220 ; I have measured out my life with java spoons # 8221 ; : . We will write a custom essay sample on Eliot or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He contemplates the adrift form of his divided and lone ego. He is a lover, yet he is unable to declare his love. Should a middle-aged adult male even think of doing a proposal of love? # 8220 ; Do I dare/Disturb the existence? # 8221 ; he asks. Prufrock knows the adult females in the barrooms # 8220 ; known them all # 8221 ; and he presumes how they classify him and he feels he deserves the categorization, because he has put on a face other than his ain. # 8220 ; To fix a face to run into the faces that you meet. # 8221 ; He has ever done what he was socially supposed to make, alternatively of giving to his ain natural feelings. He wrestles with his desires to alter his universe and with his fright of their rejection. He imagines how foolish he would experience if he were to do his proposal merely to detect that the adult female had neer thought of him as a possible lover ; he imagines her alert, barbarous response ; # 8220 ; That is non what I meant, at all. # 8221 ; He imagines that she will desire his caput on a platter and they did with the prophesier John the Baptist. He besides fears the ridicule and snorts of other work forces when she rejects him. Prufrock imagines # 8220 ; And would it hold been deserving it, after all, # 8221 ; and if she did non reject him it would convey him back to life and he could state # 8220 ; I am Lazarus, come from the dead. # 8221 ; Prufrock decides that he lacks the will to do his declaration. # 8220 ; I am non Prince Hamlet, # 8221 ; he says ; he will non, like Shakespeare # 8217 ; s character, effort to agitate off his uncertainties and # 8220 ; coerce the minute to crisis. # 8221 ; He feels more like an aging Fool. He is able merely to dream of love affair. He is down # 8220 ; I grow old # 8221 ; and will hold to # 8220 ; wear the undersides of my pants rolled # 8221 ; into turnups. He will # 8220 ; walk upon the beach, # 8221 ; though he likely will non venture into the H2O. He has had a romantic vision of mermaids singing an enchanting vocal, but assumes that they will non sing to him. Prufrock is paralyzed, unable to move upon his urges and desires. He will go on to populate in # 8220 ; the Chamberss of the sea, # 8221 ; his universe of romantic reveries, until he is awakened by the # 8220 ; human voices # 8221 ; of existent life in which he # 8220 ; drowns. # 8221 ; The # 8220 ; love vocal # 8221 ; of Mr. Prufrock displays several degrees of sarcasm, the most of import of which grows out of the vain, weak adult male # 8217 ; s penetrations into his unfertile life and his deficiency of will to alter that life. The verse form brings out images of enerv ation and palsy, such as the eventide described as â€Å"etherized, † immobile. No 1 will of all time hear his love vocal, except himself. # 8220 ; Sweeney Among the Nightingales # 8221 ; tells a narrative of a adult male motivated by lecherousness and hungriness. Eliot gives us an penetration into Sweeney # 8217 ; s true nature by giving him the first name of # 8220 ; Apeneck. # 8221 ; Sweeney is more like a crude adult male who has no ethical motives for when he dies he # 8220 ; guards the horned gate, # 8221 ; the Gatess of snake pit. Eliot is comparing the decease of a male monarch, Agamemnon, to the decease of a rotter, Sweeney. Agamemnon is the leader of the Greeks siege Troy. Upon returning place he was murdered by his married woman, Clytemnestra. Sweeney is murdered by Rachel nee Rabinovitch, who I believe was engaged to Sweeney, a matrimony that was arranged by her household. Rachel, # 8220 ; She and the lady in the cape/ Are suspect, thought to be in conference # 8221 ; ; , plotted or payed the lady in the Spanish ness to assist her. The lady in the ness meets Sweeney at a tavern and undertakes to acquire him imbibe in order to lead on him. His eyes # 8220 ; Are veiled, and hushed the shriveled seas, # 8221 ; and he begins to swear the lady in the ness. # 8220 ; The individual in the Spanish cape/Tries to sit on Sweeney # 8217 ; s articulatio genuss, # 8221 ; she so tries to score Sweeney and is successful. # 8220 ; The soundless adult male in mocha brown # 8221 ; watches the seduction and # 8220 ; gapes. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; The soundless craniate in brown # 8221 ; is in world Rachel in camouflage. Surely, Sweeney would non fall to the appeals of the lady in the ness if he knew Rachel was watching. Rachel realizes what her life would be like as Sweeney # 8217 ; s married woman and is appalled. She so toxicant # 8217 ; s the fruit that the server has brought in. The toxicant is get downing to work for Sweeney becomes sleepy. # 8220 ; Therefore the adult male with heavy eyes/ Declines the ploy, shows fatigue. # 8221 ; He decides non to chance or play any games. # 8220 ; Leaves the room and reappears/Outside the window, tilting in # 8221 ; Sweeney leans in the window and dies. # 8220 ; Circumscribe a aureate smile, # 8221 ; Sweeney dies with a smile of his face that reveal a oral cavity full of gold capped dentitions. Eliot becomes philosophical for the Luscinia megarhynchoss continue to sing for a rotter and male monarch, likewise. # 8220 ; The Luscinia megarhynchoss are singing near/The Convent of the Sacred Heart, # 8221 ; the keen music of the Luscinia megarhynchoss sounded when the mortal blow was struck in Ancient Greece ; and they sing while Sweeney is under the oculus of the adult male in mocha brown. # 8220 ; And allow their liquid winnows fall/ To stain the stiff dishonored shroud. # 8221 ; , The Luscinia megarhynchoss and nature are apathetic to a adult male # 8217 ; s station in life. We are born into this universe as peers and will go forth it the same manner and the Luscinia megarhynchoss give no award to anyone. # 8220 ; The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; Sweeney Among the Nightingales # 8221 ; were written by T. S. Eliot in the early twentieth century. The poems reveal that the writer feels that he is inferior to adult females. He does non merit the love of a maiden, but is merely suited for a cocotte. The lines where he refers to the prophesier John the Baptist and to Lazarus Tells me that he has a deep involvement in faith and Christianity. Religion does order strong positions of sex and matrimony, whereas a adult male must stamp down all feelings of lecherousness and desire, unless it is directed toward his ain married woman.

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