Friday, May 15, 2020

Does Global Warming Exist - 1815 Words

How do we know that Climate Change exists and what causes it? Climate change as many know it, has been a big issue around the world. There are anthropogenic and natural causes which are responsible for this cause but individually they contribute a small amount but are a huge factor as a whole. One of the main problems about the climate change is global warming. What is global warming? It is the increase in the mean temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is said that the temperature has been rising by 0.5 ° every year and the highest temperature recorded was 47.6 ° in Faya, Chad in 22nd June 2010. This causes the sea levels to rise due to the snow melting. It is said that the sea levels will rise by at least 25 meters by the year 2100.†¦show more content†¦That time CFC’s (from hairspray, aerosols) were used a lot which gave out this substance which created a hole in the ozone in the lower stratosphere upper troposphere and this proves that humans can change the atmosphere. Over one third of the greenhouse gasses come from the burning of fossil fuels. The following graph shows the radiative forcing in different atmospheric concentrations; CO2, CH4, N2O and SO42- and all show a general trend. At the beginning, they are levelled but however starting from the year 1900, there is a rapid increase and this is also the time when the temperatures started to increase. Meteors Little Ice Age The trend of graph is similar to a loop, at one time it is high but it gradually decreases and back again Temperatures are expected to rise (already has) Meteors also have an impact in the atmosphere because in the year 1908 a meteorite struck the Earth. It had changed the concentrations of water vapour. The warming is caused by reduced air moisture at high altitudes where clouds are made. Clouds are formed of minute ice crystals which stop some of the sun’s rays from getting to the Earth’s surface which means the Earth gets cooler. Reoccurring Cycle Graph showing the change in temperature during the years 0- 1900 Medieval Warm Period However there is proof that this period might be just a part of a reoccurring cycle because during the years 1000-1350 AD (the medieval warm period) the temperatures were warmer. On theShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change918 Words   |  4 PagesGlobal warming/climate change has been a big issue of discussion in my generation. Global warming is talked about on the news, in the newspapers, in magazines, and every other kind of social media. Today’s generation heard about global warming right out of the womb all the way to present day. I personally do believe in global warming. Is that because of the fact I was brought up in the time of the world where you hear about it basically everyday, I don’t know; it’s a good possibility. 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