Saturday, May 18, 2019

Internal and external environment Essay

Introduction Internal and external milieu of each company is a concept of poles apart. The knowledge of human is influenced by various factors that argon environ the environment in which that an individual is placed. A continuous and steady improvement is the order of the day for increase the human efficiency in working environment. THE modern business man is the true heir of the rare magicians. Every thing he touches seems to increase ten or a hundredfold in note value and usefulness. All the old methods, old tools, old instruments have yielded to his transforming spell or else been discarded for new and much effective substitutes.In a thousand industries the profits of to-day are wrung from the wastes or unconsidered trifles of yesterday(Scott, Walter Dill, 1998 increase Human Efficiency in Business, Chap. I. pg. 1) The era of computerization is musical arrangement based approach at every(prenominal) level of working, whether it is in business, management, information techno logy or any industrial and social sector. The adherence to organization has been fruitful in all aspects and also in locating the risk areas that can be monitored to distract such risks with appropriate standards of management techniques and tools.Definition of system and Managers adoption of principles of system A system is defined as an organized, unitary whole composed of two or more mutually beneficial parts (subsystems) where the whole contains identifiable boundaries from its environment (suprasystem). The practice of system is based on system principles and methods which are to be understood by a manager are (1) Define company as a system (2) Establish system objectives (performance criteria) (3) Identify wider systems (environment).(4) Create formal subsystems (including a humanistic, psychosocial subsystem (5) Integrate the subsystems with the whole system (if not the subsystems themselves, whatever interrelates them with other subsystems. There are various aspects that are co-related with systems approach in footing of management of external and internal environment and how management theory is applicable in legal matters and what is the post of manager in communication in solving complex issues that arise from time to time in both external and internal environment.This is another way of stating that a manager has to be dynamically rivalrous and work advantageously in both environments with the prop of system theory. Systems theory as prescribed above, requires a complete in-depth understanding about working of a company apart from day to day summary of performance within and outside environment of a company.The tools that are effective in measuring and managing the personal business of a company are viz., time management, risk management, supply chain management, team management, customer proportion management, operation management, management of information systems, decision supportive systems and organizational behavior. A continuous per sisting efforts of a manager produces emergence of new ideas and strategies apart from assisting in identifying key areas of a problem. It can also be stated that problems produce some of the best systematic ideas that are recognized as best strategies in the long term for the benefit and growth of a company.And while the body is confined to one planet, along which it creeps with pain and difficulty the thought can in an instant transport us into the nearly distant regions of the universe or even beyond the universe, into the unbounded chaos, where nature is supposed to lie in total confusion. What never was seen, or heard of, may yet be conceived nor is any thing beyond the power of thought, except what implies an absolute contradiction.But though our thought seems to possess this unbounded liberty, we shall find, upon a nearer examination, that it is really confined within very narrow limits, and that all this creative power of the question amounts to no more than the faculty of compounding, transposing, augmenting, or diminishing the materials afforded us by the senses and experience(Raleigh, N. C Alex Catalogue, An question concerning Human understanding, Sec. II. The origin of ideas, pg. 11) Ideas are the final output of thinking process, which has to undergo a brain storming session, conference discussion and after several workshops, a company launches a new product.

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