Monday, May 27, 2019

Gran Torino Essay

Does the movie Gran Torino glorify violence and numbfish culture in the United States make specific reference to events in the have? The movie Gran Torino does glorify, justify violence and wedge culture in the United States when used for the greater good as the armament or patrol do to save lives of many civilians every day. The protagonist Walt Kowalski known as simply Walt well hes a character he loves victimisation his gun as if it was his culture after all he is a retired veteran.He demonstrates in this movie that it is only by facing the sometimes provoke obstacles and difficulties of life that an individual can truly be at rest even by guns. In the movie Walt is the main contributor to justifying violence and gun culture including save sue and her friend from near expiry as well as the Hmong saves Thao from Latino aggroup, saving Tao from the Hmong tintinnabulation overly his cousins and for everyones greater good giving up his life to save Tao and his family from anymore danger. As sue and her date are locomote down the street they are confronted by bunch of street thugs(the black gang) who try to sexual abuse sue and threaten to hurt her date.Walt brings justice to this by standing up to the gangbangers they exchange lyric Walt pulls out his pistol to scare off the gangbangers and in successful with doing that he takes sue back home. Also Thao is saved from a gang by gang as he was walking the Latino gang try to interact with him but he puts his head down and keeps walking then his cousin comes almost and saves him from death As he uses force and gun use to potentially save her life which does diligence and glorifies the use of gun violence.Thao is caught by Walt when he tries to slip ones mind the 1972 gran Torino as part of a gang initiation he fails at doing so. His family finds out about this miss deed and in order to fix honour Thao must pay his dues to Walt. The punishment that Thao receives is to work for Walt for 2 weeks in th ose few weeks. He is harassed for failing his initiation and helping Walt.Walt sees Thao for who he truly is in the time they spend together, and lends his helping hand going as far as to get Thao a of the Hmong gang members Thao cousin saw him walking back from work and thinks Thao is trying to make him look bad in the eyes of the family. He is viciously beaten by the gang bangers, his tools are also broken and in vengeance Walt along with his trusty pistol goes after one the gang member and beats the living hell out of him. Walt tells the gang that if they ever touch Thao or his family againhe will kill all of them.The gang does not listen to Walts warning and drive by shoot there house and seriously injure sue. Walt Kowalskis actions are glorified and considered valiant efforts to protect the Hmong family. In the end the most glorified bit is when Walt gives his life up, which not cannot be given back to cease all gun battle and violence to restore peace. Walt does this for the Hmong family in the days before his death Thao had asked him to help retaliate for the drive by shooting Walt tells Thao that they will retaliate but plan it out and tells Thao to come back tomorrow at four.Walt the next went to get a haircut and a suit fitted as well as to get a confession from father Janovich.When Thao returns they go to the basement, Walt locks him in and tells him hes going to end this Thao deeply protests. As Walt shows up he calls the gang bangers out there ready with the automatic weapons Walt sports a cigar as he pulls for a light the gang its a gun and open fire taking Walts life the police are called and there are witnesses this finally puts rest to the violence. To conclude the movie Gran Torino does glorify, justify violence and gun culture in the United States when used for the greater good as the military or police do to save lives of many civilians every day.You never need an argument against the use of violence you need an argument for it.W alt uses violence a lot but it is seen as good including saving sue and her friend from near death as well as the Hmong gang saves Thao from Latino gang, saving Tao from the Hmong gang also his cousins and for everyones greater good giving up his life to save Tao and his family from anymore danger. Ultimately use the use of violence and gun culture brought quite the opposite safety and happiness this was justified in the events in the film, sometimes in real life issues.

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