Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Drawbacks of Standardized Testing Essay -- High-Stakes Standardized

.American schools administer more than one hundred million tests per year (Facts 125). interchangeable tests are used frequently across the country in many schools to evaluate students on certain subjects. Usually, students are hammered with test homework by their teachers, as well as stressed to learn every liaison on time. Teachers worry about teaching to the test so they can have undefeated students as well not worry about bad test scores jeoprodizing their jobs. But the fact of the matter is that a lot more than analyse can go into testing. From scoring/writing errors, to improper handling, the mistakes that can happen in standardized testing are wide. This isnt a good thing when future classes as well as scholarship eligibility is determined by these tests. But, from causing student stress to scoring errors, standardized tests are causing the great unwashed to rethink their significance to education. And what many parents and students are finding out, is that these tests ar e not as good as everyone once thought.As most people whitethorn assume, the preparation for standardized tests is long and time consuming, for both the teacher and the student. For the students, they must be constantly making sure they are on task for their regular schoolwork for the subject, as well as studying outside of class extra time. In some cases, students may have to give up activities they commonly love to do (like sports, for example) to study hard for these tests that can dictate their future. This isnt good for students either, even though they are trying to improve their grades. Since most colleges touch sensation for a well-rounded student, a people who quit an activity to focus on a test will be losing the well-rounded advantage on a college application. The student... ...e time to do what they enjoy. This will lead to more successful schools and students.Works CitedFacts About Standardized Testing. Standardized Testing. Ed. Cynthia A. Bily. Detroit Greenhaven, 2011. 125-128. Print.Landau, Elizabeth. Standardized Tests Are Overemphasized In College Admissions. Standardized Testing. Ed. Cynthia A. Bily. Detroit Greenhaven, 2011. 93-98. Print. Layton, Lyndsey. As High-Stakes Tests Spread, Some Students Drop the Pencil. Washington Post. 15 Apr. 2013 A.12. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 04 Feb. 2014. Strauss, Valerie. Massachusetts Professors Protest High-Stakes Standardized Tests. Washington Post. 22 Feb. 2013 n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 04 Feb. 2014 Vogell, Heather. Scoring Errors Jeopardize Tests. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 22 Sep. 2013 A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 04 Feb. 2014.

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