Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Application of One of Four Individual Theories to Health Behavior Term Paper

Application of One of Four Individual Theories to Health demeanour - Term Paper Examplerature study intimately the psychological health disorder among young adults and middle aged people it can be suggests that clinical depression and anxiety can be treated and aged if those are identified in early stages. This paper uses the theory of planned behavior to critically analyze the prevalence of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety among young adults and middle aged groups.My selection for the condition, mental health behavior and priority group is particularly based on the item that mental disorders such as depression, stress and anxiety are currently the most common cause of mental health problems among young adults and middle aged individuals and are a leading. For example, depression, problem of anxiety is common among young adults, with nearly 10% of young adults currently suffering from depression and anxiety disorder related problems This is attributed to the fact that many young adults and people in their middle ages often undergo a human action of stressful situations related to their career, work, family, religion and economic status (Middle animation crisis). Some of the potential specific reasons may includeThe chosen group often experience mental disorders such as depression and anxiety as this is the age people begin to experience changes associated with aging in life and may long to get back the youthfulness they had during adolescent.The Theory of Planned Behavior is one of the four individual theories to health behavior that can effectively be used to explain the high prevalence of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety among young adults and middle aged individuals. According to the theory, an individuals control over behavior is determined by a number of constructs namelyOften times, an individuals willingness to seek for psychiatric help for a mental disorder like anxiety and depression can, to a long extent, be expl ained using a series of beliefs and attitudes as Icek Ajzen conceptualizes in the TPB (Buckworth & Buckworth,

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