Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Broadway Caf Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Broadway Caf - Research Paper Example This paper tends to discuss certain market strategies that can be effectively applied in Broadway Cafe so as to bring it back to the mainstream of profitable businesses. Scope of e-business In order to operate the activities of Broadway Cafe in an efficient manner, it is necessary to design a good website that would provide customers with relevant information regarding the Cafe and its products/services. The website must provide 24 hours live support to customers with intent to satisfy their needs. The firm can also collect customer feedback which is an essential asset of any types of business for further expansion (MBD 1, e-business). The firm must heed genuine concern to cultural sentiments while dealing with diverse customer groups. At the same time the relevance of personal opinions have to be scrutinized well prior to decision making. For instance, an anonymous person’s feedback shows that he did not like the presence of the children at the Cafe. The opinion obviously dep ends on the individual’s social outlook which is of little relevance to practical side of the business. If the company bans children from the Cafe in order to meet an individual’s content, the firm will lose a large group of family customers. The website must be attractive enough to retain the customers as well as to attract new prospects. According to the report of Yankee group, website traffic is the main factor which determines the effectiveness of the company’s website (MBD 2, Competitive advantage). However, large degree of website traffic would not necessarily ensure large sales. Therefore, company must gradually assess the income generated from website traffic along with the number of acquisition of new customers and reduction in customer care calls so as to determine the success or failure of the website. The above discussed points are the primary requirements for a business website; whereas the actual business expansion necessitates some innovative conc epts. Firstly, the company must provide e-business facilities to their customer so that they can order required products through online transaction (e-business). People today wish to have immediate access to products and services in minimum time at less expense. Since the credit card using prepaid delivery system has simplified business transactions across the globe, this feasibility has been identified as one of the competitive advantages of modern firms. Customer retention In addition, Broadway Cafe should also arrange supply vehicles with employees in order to deliver ordered goods at the destinations right time. If the consumers are satisfied with the service, they will not switch their demand to other brands. As part of the business expansion, Broadway Cafe can also take advantage of the website in dealing with their suppliers. The website would help to interact with the suppliers in an effective way so that various costs associated with supply can be minimized to some extent. The website can also be deployed in order to ensure more conveniences to its employees. The application of e-banking would aid the company to easily cope with the payroll dealings; and it would also enable the company to eliminate the difficulties associated with the manual clerical work (United Bank). Company website is the best channel for conducting

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