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The Impact Of Environmental Sustainability On The...

Kristina King Soc 327 October 9, 2015 Reflection Paper # 1 If out of the 17 U.N. Millennium Development Goals for 2030 could be achieved, I feel that ensuring environmental sustainability would be most crucial. Environmental sustainability and development is necessary to reduce poverty and increase the wellbeing of not only today’s people, but for future generations.(1) These global environment isssues require a global solution. However inequality between countries creates environmental issues, uneven development, and difficulty and finding solutions. (2) I believe as humans we are dependent on the environment. Sustaining the environment to me trumpets all other goals the UN proposes to meet. Ensuring environmental stability is the core that allows the other goals listed to be able to function. Finding a solution to poverty and hunger is a very critical goal I would love to see met, but that cannot function without first providing a sound stable safe environment. Environmental sustainability is intertwined with poverty, hunger, and disease. Climate changes and global poverty combined affect the people of the poor rural areas that are dependent on natural resources for their survival and support to their families. How important can the issue of maternal health and universal education be to the laymen of these rural areas, who are worried about providing their families next meal. Ensuring environmental sustainability falls under goal 7. Four main targets are listed inShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Environmental Sustainability On The Environment1523 Words   |  7 Pages Introduction Environmental sustainability is a major cause for concern in the world today. The entire world has come to the realization of some of the dangers posed by unsafe environmental practices such as dumping of effluents into the sea and releasing smoke and dust into the atmosphere. 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Introduction Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (1, 2). Figure 1-Sustainable development: the interaction of social Environmental and Economic factors (3) The purpose of the report inspired by the above statement made on the Brundtland Report, 1987, is to link the concept of environmental sustainability to architecture and in particular in the context of city planning, building design and materials. The topic was chosen by the author as is in direct relation with his discipline of Civil and structural engineering. The way buildings are constructed and decommissioned has a major impact on the environment as well as the society itself. The incorporation of sustainability in the architectural design can help the creation of self-sufficient, stable, economically viable communities. 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Within this country is home of two prestigious cities in the development of becoming international hubs within the business and social world. Dubai is developing as the significant commercial gateway to the Middle East. As stated by Mike Davis, in his article called, â€Å"Sand, Fear, and Money in Dubai† he says, â€Å"Dubai is a prototype of the new post-global city, which

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