Sunday, November 3, 2019

AMID fears about climate change, the world's future looks gloomy. Yet Essay

AMID fears about climate change, the world's future looks gloomy. Yet there is another worry - our booming population - Essay Example this respect, he notes that currently, the world has more than seven billion people, and that every year, about 80 million individuals are added to the statistic. Attenborourgh (2009) notes that the world has a carrying capacity beyond which it cannot sustain a growing human population. Taking note of this factor, he believes that the way to go in respect of ensuring that the world remains sustainable is taking responsibility for our growth in populations such as by using contraceptives. This paper analyses Attenborourgh’s views in light of past studies and professional views. Real Climate (2014) notes that there are several indications that human activities have contributed to the high levels of carbon dioxide in the environment. In this respect, he notes that over the last 15 decades, the concentrations of carbon dioxide on earth haves grown from about 280 to 380 ppm (parts per million). This state of affairs has come in place as a function of such activities as clearing and burning of forested land and burning fossil fuels which are commonplace events ever since the industrial revolution. The Royal Society (2014) concurs with Real Climate in regard to human contribution to climate change. The Society states that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by more than 40% since the industrial revolution began, most of this rise having occurred since 1970. These levels are higher than have been seen in the last 650,000 years according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (BBC 2007). Some of the evidences that show that climate change is a reality today include the decline in Arctic sea ice and the increase in the average temperature of the earth (global warming). Worth noting is that the average temperature of the earth’s surface has increased by roughly 0.8 Â °C since 1900 (The Royal Society 2014). Although this figure seems small, experts are quick to warn on its significance on human life, flora and fauna.

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