Tuesday, September 3, 2019

World Hunger Essay -- Essays Papers

World Hunger This web page's goal is to introduce the visitor to the problem of world hunger and provide ways to access more information through books and other web sites. The page was created as a final project for an Environmental History class held at the University of Vermont spring semester 2000. Overview World hunger is one of the many dire problems facing the human race. Although the common person probably won't have a big impact on ending world hunger, but by being aware of the issues you become empowered. It is first necessary discuss some other the myths about the reasons for world hunger. World hunger is not caused by population increase, but it is one of the factors. The global grain production is high enough to feed the population, which means that supply is not a cause of world hunger. The lack agricultural land is also not a cause of hunger; many of the third world nations have the arable land needed to produce enough food to feed their people. The real cause of hunger is the inequality in the control of food production. The arable land cannot be used to grow food to feed people of third world nations because big corporations buy the land to produce cash crops for exporting. The inequality among nations was formed during colonization. The European powers sought to find land that could produce marketable crops. Small plots of land farmed by families did not produce the volume of marketable goods that would bring profit to the Europeans. Some colo...

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