Friday, April 26, 2019

Sales and purchase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sales and purchase - testify ExampleThe input data that is required atomic number 18 item category, brand, quantity, cost, customer detail (name, address, phone and birthday), dodging of payment, trend of sales agreement and special scheme (e.g. discount). Once these data are entered into the system, it undergoes various processes before finally culminating in the delivery of the item. These processes tolerate be broadly classified into six main areas2. The system and then differentiates the mode of sale and categorising it into direct sale order or internet based order. This gives the focus to beat appropriate strategies and plans for their existing or emerging market.3. With category and brand specified, it then checks for the stock status so that in case of any shortfall, alternative brands can be suggested or sold. This information (category and brand) also overhaul to market opposite products that may add value to the items asked for.4. The system then checks for an y special allow or discount that the item might have at that particular time. This is an important process because the on-line(prenominal) market scenario has necessitated introduction of special schemes to attract customers in order to main their competitive edge. The ultimate instrument (discount) is one which maximises the suppliers resultant economic gain, but does so at absolutely no added cost to the buyer (Monahan, 1984).5. If the mode of payment is other than cash transaction, the system performs credit check for the customer and accordingly, informs and suggests the customer for alternatives for payment schedules.6. The system then confirms or refuses the sale/ purchase order and sends the same information on the terminal and generates handbill or sale/ purchase receipt. The completion of sales order is but the first of many other requisites of the input information that are essential for the management of the company. The growth and the future prospects of the business depend on the input data as they are able to divulge vital information about the products and the customers. The sale processing data helps the management to disseminate information that can be categorised into the following produce formats1. The input data helps to generate current inventory status so that the products that need fresh stocks can be ordered much in advance.2. The data also helps the management to assess the order precipitate pattern of the products and services so that the management is able to take appropriate steps in meet the demands of their customer either by increasing the shopping hours or employing more staff to deal with the rush. This helps the management to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and general efficiency. This applies both to the days of the months and the item hours of the day, during which there is marked difference in the sales and purchase pattern.3. The data also help in finding out the popular items which are sold or purch ased as well as the brands that are preferred thus helping the firm to introduce items or products that add value to the ones that are already popular. 4. The management can also maintain its client base by making efforts to

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