Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Report one Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Report one - Assignment ExampleOver the cartridge holder I have been here, I have helped and worked in several areas (Baird 115). First, I made the emergency come to list. In this list, I wrote all the numbers that may be helpful in case of both emergency. The list includes the contacts of police, ambulance, international emergency number, management representative, and director of human resource, safety officer, administration manager and opposite useful contacts.Secondly, I have learnt about the OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series), which specifies what is required of an occupational health and safety management placement to practice the organization capable of controlling its occupational health risks and make an improvement on its occupational health and safety performance. For the time I have been an intern in this company, I have helped in establishing a good occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system that will assist in minimizing or eli minating risks to the personnel or other divulgeies who are interested save could be exposed to hazards concerning the occupational health and safety related to its activities. Secondly, I have taken part in the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety management system. Currently, the company has assured itself of how it conforms to the stated occupational health and safety policy (Baird 207). The company has yet demonstrated its conformity with the OHSAS mensuration through making self-declaration and self-determination.Moreover, I helped in the provision of firstborn aid. I used the fundamental first aid, which is the original process of addressing and assessing what someone needs when he is injured or has physiological distress receivable to a heart attack, choking, drugs, allergic reactions, or other medical emergencies. The basic first aid skills helped me to throttle the physical condition of the person and the accura te course of

Monday, April 29, 2019

Human Performance in Running a Multi-Division Form Company Essay

Human Performance in Running a Multi-Division Form Company - Essay ExampleThese semi-autonomous wholes be guided and controlled by various financial and deed targets that together form core objective of the makeup. These units whence, operate as their own separate entities. Each unit plays a vital role in the organization in areas of conflict management, customer service, employee retention, overall productiveness and profitability (Rohlander & Snell, 2009). Multi-divisional form of business is usually adopted by organizations to facilitate prudent changes without encountering an extensive mountain chain of approval. Human consummation is in that respectfore a vital factor in ensuring efficiency and effectiveness with regards to productivity of the organization. It is for this reason that firms, both earth and private must seek to quantify the value of their charitable performance. In the process of measuring this performance, several challenges are likely to arise, some i ntended while others unplanned. Measures must therefore be put in place to minimize the consequences of measuring human performance that were not planned. Since there are multiple divisions in these organizations it is of great significance to know both the performance and contribution of severally division to the overall performance of the enterprise. Human performance Human performance is at the core of an organizations well being it incorporates total quality management, improvement of processes, appropriate employee behavior and sound instructional systems all under the banner of human resource management. In as much as employees are not listed in the balance sheet, they are such an essential as strict to an enterprise and their contribution is a vital factor that should not only be quantified but also harnessed for the achievement of the train objectives. Multi-divisional private companies are not listed in the stock markets and therefore the effects of their human performanc e do not translate into a drop or rise in the prices of their stocks. This is however not the fictional character for public traded companies that have their shares not only affected by financial but also human performance (Rohlander & Snell, 2009). Effectively, when there is news or even a feeling of inefficiency in a public company the ripple effects will be immediately felt at the stock market. This has the majestic consequence of insolvency if drastic measures are not taken to make the necessary corrections. Measuring human performance begins with putting in place targets that must be achieved within specific timelines. Each unit (division) is granted its overall targets that are then broken down to individual targets. With the kind of autonomy enjoyed by divisions in most M-form businesses, it is very easy for the individual units to then come with performance strategies and the best ways of evaluating the set targets. Multi divisional forms of business therefore help in mee ting the needs of employees by enabling managers to deputy various responsibilities leaving them with ample time to monitor and make sure that everything is done for the achievement of an organizations objectives (Wang &King 2009). This model makes communication between units more effective, problem solving manageable and police squad work is encouraged. The ways and means of achieving the set

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Event Management ( portfolio work) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Event Management ( portfolio make up) - Essay Exampleor the seminar aim without Boundaries for Summit Solvay a training firm. The seminar will entail training participants on Simple steps to make innovation excogitate ,myths and misconceptions about innovation, how to avoid common pitfalls of innovative thinking, best practices to quickly launch projects to prove creative concepts, how to rule existing corporate culture to drive innovation and growth.boundaries. The main quarry is to make profit from the bills invested and returns on investment. The second clinical is to ensure that participants gain skills that they can easily implement in the work place. The third objective is to ensure continued growth of organizations through adaption of latest innovation strategies. The first objective will be achieved by having 200 plus participants attend the seminar. The second objective will be achieved by the quality of the presentations and interaction by the participants. A measure on the success of the seminar will be evaluated by participants being asked to respond to an evaluation questionnaire at the end of the seminar, Ramsborg et al (eds) (2008),. The success of the third objective will be assessed by the evaluation of the tilts implemented in their organizations in a period of sise months after the seminar. The seminar will take place on 25th August 2012. 8.30 am to 5.00pm at intercontinental Hotel in London. The target audiences for the seminar are c-level management, middle management, supervisors and all individuals involved in the innovative process in their organizations. The seminar will give organizations a platform to discuss the strategies they need to adopt for their innovative future.embrace change and remain abreast of the competition. This is especially important for organizations that operate in more than one country. The seminar on Innovation without boundaries gives these organizations to empower its staff with cutting edge skills to

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Strategic Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Strategic Management - Case Study ExampleThis myth concept prioritizes removing the distinction between the categorization of pipelinees for profit from those which are essentially for benevolent purposes. This posits that for a familiarity to have a competitive edge, it does not mean that it should lose grasp of companionable issues that prevail inside the community. Rather than having substantial social functions as a distinct aspect of a corporation, shared cherish envisions a business enterprise that is founded upon it. The companys productivity has a direct connection with social issues which affects effectiveness. This mandates a need to invest in factors which have the strongest link to company productivity that include environmental impact, supplier access and viability, employee skills, worker safety, employee health, water use, and energy (Kramer and Porter 8).This is differentiated from corporate social debt instrument (CSR) since CSV is not merely a reactionary meas ure of a corporation which is optional on its part. The CSR functions of business is usually an adjunct of the business which exists separate from its corporate goals and implemented as a manner of good will to improve its reputation. On the other hand, CSV is founded on its own economic worth wherein social value is inherently a part of it. This is a direct deviation from capitalism where unsound business is equivalent to big profit. In this regard, it is not uncommon to ascribe the characteristic of a dog-eat-dog scenario in the name of profit to the bias of social and environmental concerns. The article dubs this as the new standard that veers away from capitalism which has acquired a image of distrust.What Kramer and Porter propose is an innovative change that will ultimately redefine business. The paper rears examples such as WaterHealth International which provides clean and inexpensive water to people in some parts of the Philippines, India and Ghana, Revolution Foods whi ch provide healthy meals to

Friday, April 26, 2019

Anna in the tropics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Anna in the tropics - Essay ExampleThis was the only form of delight for the cigar factory workers of the time. So, I expected this play to portray the dilemma of the time when factory owners were faced by the choice of switching to modernization or carrying on their traditions. Apart from this, I expected it to have a tinge of romance in this which was enhanced by the presence of conflict and then its resolution. The play, Anna in the Tropics, revolves roughly a Cuban family that settles in Tampa, Florida and sets up a cigar business in the city. The factory owner, Santiago and his married woman Ofelia have two daughters named Conchita and Marela who also work in their family cigar warehouse curlicue cigars. A tender reader comes into the factory named Juan Julian who reads the exciting Russian level of Anna Karenina. Marela, who wants to experience life outside the factory and Conchita who does not seem to be having a happy married life with her husband, Palomo, are very int rigued by the story of Anna Karenina. Santiagos brother, Cheche, on the other hand, despises reviewers due to a previous event where his wife ran gain a previous lector and therefore wants to remove the lector and bring modern machineries to aid the rolling of cigars. My favorite characters include Marela, Cheche, and Juan Julian. In the first Act, Marela characterizes a very comic and humorous character with or so immature thoughts. She feels restricted within the boundaries of her family cigar warehouse and wants to enjoy life outside of the factory. She is dumbstruck when she sees Juan Julian when she was waiting for him with her stimulate and sister. Marela is very influenced by the story of Anna Karenina narrated by Juan Julian. I feel that Marela is child-like initially and wants to live life much than just rolling cigars at her fathers factory. I potty Marelas feelings because being in the factory all the time with only a lectors story to entertain can be boring particul arly for a merry girl like Marela, who wants to enjoy her life. Cheche, Santiagos half brother does not seem to like Juan Julian which results from his past experience where the lector ran with his wife. even so Juan Julian finds out when he first meets Cheche but I believe Cheches feelings are native having his wife run off with a previous lector. Perhaps the most interesting character is that of Juan Julian, the lector who has been hired by Ofelia as a lector to entertain the cigar workers. Julians character becomes to a greater extent compelling when he narrates the story of Anna Karenina which interests both Marela and Conchita equally. The play repeatedly tries to emphasize on the theme of tradition and change, problems and resolution, and love. Although it is apparent that Cheche already despises lectors due to his bitter past experience his dislike is added by the fact that he wants to introduce modern machinery to aid the factory workers in making cigars. As he aims to bri ng new machines into the warehouse he threatens the existence of old Cuban traditions of having a lector and workers roll cigars with their hands. And Conchita who is having a exuberant marriage with her husband who is having an affair. Conchita feels influenced by Julians story of Anna Karenina and to some extent with Juan Julian. Music and inflammation has been one of the most important elements of the play enhancing its theme and effect. Every scene in the Act was followed by music inspired by Cuban music. This helped the

Sales and purchase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sales and purchase - testify ExampleThe input data that is required atomic number 18 item category, brand, quantity, cost, customer detail (name, address, phone and birthday), dodging of payment, trend of sales agreement and special scheme (e.g. discount). Once these data are entered into the system, it undergoes various processes before finally culminating in the delivery of the item. These processes tolerate be broadly classified into six main areas2. The system and then differentiates the mode of sale and categorising it into direct sale order or internet based order. This gives the focus to beat appropriate strategies and plans for their existing or emerging market.3. With category and brand specified, it then checks for the stock status so that in case of any shortfall, alternative brands can be suggested or sold. This information (category and brand) also overhaul to market opposite products that may add value to the items asked for.4. The system then checks for an y special allow or discount that the item might have at that particular time. This is an important process because the on-line(prenominal) market scenario has necessitated introduction of special schemes to attract customers in order to main their competitive edge. The ultimate instrument (discount) is one which maximises the suppliers resultant economic gain, but does so at absolutely no added cost to the buyer (Monahan, 1984).5. If the mode of payment is other than cash transaction, the system performs credit check for the customer and accordingly, informs and suggests the customer for alternatives for payment schedules.6. The system then confirms or refuses the sale/ purchase order and sends the same information on the terminal and generates handbill or sale/ purchase receipt. The completion of sales order is but the first of many other requisites of the input information that are essential for the management of the company. The growth and the future prospects of the business depend on the input data as they are able to divulge vital information about the products and the customers. The sale processing data helps the management to disseminate information that can be categorised into the following produce formats1. The input data helps to generate current inventory status so that the products that need fresh stocks can be ordered much in advance.2. The data also helps the management to assess the order precipitate pattern of the products and services so that the management is able to take appropriate steps in meet the demands of their customer either by increasing the shopping hours or employing more staff to deal with the rush. This helps the management to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and general efficiency. This applies both to the days of the months and the item hours of the day, during which there is marked difference in the sales and purchase pattern.3. The data also help in finding out the popular items which are sold or purch ased as well as the brands that are preferred thus helping the firm to introduce items or products that add value to the ones that are already popular. 4. The management can also maintain its client base by making efforts to